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Tasha P.O.V

I made my way through chorus. It was mildly interesting today because they were learning their new song. Actually it was very interesting. They were doing songs from Hamilton. I. Freaking. Love. Hamilton. Almost as much as Twice. And the my part (the sopranos) got to sing Eliza's part in Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story.

"I established the first private orphanage in New York City. I help to raise hundreds of children. I get to-"

The bell cut us off.

It was off to Math. I'll be honest, math was very easy. I usually just gaydream through it.  It was a perfect opportunity to think about.........the gay. I know Mira's pansexual. She does these lgbt speeches sometimes. Maybe I'll go to one. Just to see how straight I am. Yeah. I just needed to prove to my mind that Gwacha wasn't cute, or sexy and that I wasn't drooling over her right now. I shook these thoughts out of my mind and paid attention to the lesson. We were solving equations in our worksheets.


And that came out to be....


Frac my life.

After a long day of cruel reminders of my terrible life, I collapsed into my bed. Thankfully Mira was sleeping, out cold, probably thinking she was just "resting her eyes".

Okay good. I could put off my gay questions until tomorrow, cause procrastination is great!

Author Nims Note: yeah homework is nonexistent heheh we're too lazy to set aside time for them to struggle for hours with stupid learning problems. yAy. If only it was like that in real life. :')

Also, if you guys haven't noticed, all the characters are based off people we know in real life. That's why Peaches (Izzy) writes mostly all of Mira's parts and I (Cream or TT whichever you wanna call me) write mostly all of Tasha's parts. Those are the characters we based on us. That's also why the style of the writing may change a lot.

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