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Mira P.O.V

I was running. As fast as I could. I didn't know what I was running from. But I knew it was evil. No one was going to protect me. My dad was gone. My mother could just watch from above. I was all alone. I tripped. It was going to get me this time. But then a hand pulled me off the ground. I was face to face with a girl my age. A girl with pigtails and a pink dress. Gwacha. And then....

I woke up. I've had this dream multiple times. It never failed to scare me. But this time was different. Gwacha was there. She was... protecting? me. Since I knew I wouldn't go back to sleep, I went to Tasha's room. Of course. She left her music on.

"Tasha? Are you up?"

I poked her.

"Go away. A face this perfect needs sleep to maintain its beauty" she replied.


No. This is what you get for paying attention in science, Izzy.

I apologize master.

"Please? I had the dream again." I left out the part about Gwacha.

She sat up. "Was it THE dream?"

"What other dream would I be talking about, making gaybies with Ms.Choi? No of course not I haven't had that one in a while."

"Fine. What do you want to do?"

"Watch Meteor Garden?"

"Is that one of your dramas?"


"Absolutely not."

Before we could get into a heated argument, our door opened.

Who the fluck wants us at 3 am?

Tasha grabbed a paintbrush and ran to the door.

"Who are you! I'm not paying your stupid ransoms!" She screamed, throwing the brush at the man.

"I'm Minho, crazy bitch. I just came to bring you food. I felt bad because Mingyu stole all yours."

yAy! I wouldn't have to resort to cannibalism.

"That's cause your boyfriend is always eating. That bastard never stops." Tasha muttered.

"What do you have against Mingyu?" I asked. They were always fighting.

"Nothing. Nothing at all. I don't know what you mean." She said, still sounding salty.

"I'm gonna go now." Minho said placing the food on a table.

And then I remembered.

"WAIT" I screamed.

I ran to the bathroom and opened the cabinet. I dug through a massive box of acne cream that I had saved just for this moment and picked out a tube. Or two. Or 69. Then I ran back and threw them at his face.

"This is acne cream. Try it." I instructed him.

"Ew no" he disregarded the bottles and ran as fast as he could.

"But maybe it'll cure your bowl cut too?!" I yelled. 

I looked at Tasha and we both started laughing. I loved times like this. It made it seem like nothing bad could ever happen.

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