We try to find the messenger of the Gods!

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"Ahhh, that was a good sleep" I said. "Where are we" I said? "We are in some place that is over 300 miles away"! We decided to pick it up a bit to go faster but we crashed landed in the middle of a forest! "Where are we, I need water, I am the daughter of the sea". "Don't worry, maybe we can find someone or something to help us find our way out". The four of us started to look around for any sign of anyone that can help us, but no luck.

"Hey guys, do you hear someone singing"?"La la la la la, I love singing in the forest"! "Who are you" I asked. "I am Apollo, and no I am not the god of the sun, I am just named that because Apollo is also the god of music". "What are you doing out here in the middle of the forest" asked Angela. " My mother is a muse but she fell in love with a human and got pregnent, but sadly he died trying to come see her again". "My mothers name is Calliope one of the muses, if you need help just come and she will tell you all".

"Come children, tell me what is the matter" Calliope told us in greek but some how I knew what she said. "We are trying to find the god Hermes to get a map to find my father, Eros". "Why do you want to find Eros, what can he do for you"? "My father could put me in a safe place with my mom to get away from all this demi-god crap". "I will help you, but only if you let my son Apollo come with you". "Yes Calliope". "Go my son, show them the way and be safe. If you hurt my son I will enchant you to stab yourself over and over again"! "Mom I trust that they won't hurt me". "We should be off then, my pegasus is all ready to go" said Athen. Angela summoned her chariot and Athen attached is horse to it. In a blink we were off to find the messenger of the gods!

"Apollo where do we next"? "We head east and then we keep on going to the place you called New York, then we will go to a place called the Empire State building and we will meet him there with the rest of the gods". After many hours of sleeping, snoring, and scaring people while getting food we got to New York! Athen parked the chariot in a double parking space and then we went in. "How can I help you" the man said at the front desk with a sarcastic voice. "We need to get to the six-hundredth floor to see the gods". "There is no six-hundredth floor so you can go now". I grabbed my ring and turned it into a sword and put the tip of it towards his face. "Now can you please get me to the special floor, please". The man went out from the counter and escorted us to the elevator. "Thank you and have a nice day" I said with a warming smile.

I looked for the number 600 hundred but it wasn't there but then it appered. I pressed the number and then we shot off. "Welcome" the elevator said in greek. The elevator doors opened and we stepped inside the humongous city. As we stepped into the city we were greeted by young teenager that were minor gods, according to Lana. When I steeped into what seemed to be the main place I almost peed in my bants. It was probably about three thousand feet high and all made of gold.

The first person/god we saw was a thirty feet high man wearing what seemed to be a giant tunic. "Why are you here demigods" boomed the man." I am Zeus, king of the gods and lord of the heavens. You should not be here". "Zeus sir, um we demigods are looking for the god named Hermes". "He is not here, he is in the underworld meeting with my dirt ball of a brother Hades". "Oh no, not Hades" Apollo said in a trembling voice."If you want to find the scoundrel Hermes, go to hell and you will find him there" Zeus said. "I am sorry but I don't know much about greek stuff so why would we go to hell to find Hades" I asked. "For he is the king of hell and that is where he lives". "Thanks Zeus, bye"!

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