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Once the initial shock wore off, which didn't take nearly as long as one would think, Esmund wanted to test the limits of their new ability.

At the same time, he worried what the others would think should they become aware of this latest development—especially since he had yet to admit he'd claimed Elsie in the first place.

The whole experience was akin to receiving a sparkling new toy for his birthday and then being told in the strictest of terms he wasn't allowed to play with it until he was older.

He glanced around to see if anyone was paying attention and found Piper frowning at them. Could she sense what had happened between them, or was there another reason for her displeasure? When their gazes met, her frown intensified.

Elsie cleared her throat and stretched with a yawn, "I don't know about anyone else, but I'm exhausted and more than ready to bring this day to an end."

Vernon nodded and slapped his hat against his thigh, dislodging the snow still clinging inside. "We'll take turns keeping guard throughout the night and head out at first light."

"I'll take first watch," Esmund said, raising his hand.

Ulric shook his head, "No, Esmund you haven't slept at all the past two days. I'll take first watch."

Gunnar frowned and rested his fists on his hips. "I don't think that's such a good idea. You need to rest in case we haven't seen the last of whatever is plaguing you."

"I feel good. There's no need to molly-coddle me."

"No," Vernon said with authority. "Gunnar's right. He and I will take turns—we've had a boring trip compared to you. Both you and Esmund will get some much-needed rest, and that's the end of it." He motioned to the pile of discarded blankets, "It's bound to be cold tonight, so everyone, make sure you've got a blanket or bedroll. Whoever's on guard will keep the fire going, and with any luck, we'll have a warm and peaceful night."

Ulric grumbled under his breath but did as told and grabbed a blanket. However, Elsie reached for the same one, and he pulled away as though she'd burned him, dropping it back on the pile.

She picked it up and offered a tentative smile, holding out the blanket, "Here you go—I believe you claimed this first."

He shook his head and stepped away, "No, you keep it; I'll get another one."

Elsie shrugged and clutched the blanket against her stomach but stopped Ulric from turning away by briefly placing her hand on his arm. "I know I'm most assuredly one of your least favorite people, but you should know that I harbor no ill feelings toward you, Ulric, and I hope someday you might even consider me a friend."

"You'd want to be friends with someone who's killed you twice now?"

"Well, when you put it that way..." She grinned and smoothed her hand over the blanket, "Perhaps I should ponder the matter further."

He scoffed and rubbed the back of his neck.

Elsie gave him a wink, "You did inform me you wouldn't save me if I got into any trouble. You did warn me this morning that you were willing to kill me again—so you see, you're a man of your word, which is an admirable trait."

He frowned and gave a short chuckle, "You sure have a strange way of thinking, Elsie."

"Yes, I've been told that many times." She sighed and lowered her voice even further, "I do, however, have one request to make."

Ulric matched her hushed tone, "Anything."

"Seeing as how I'm pretty certain I only have one more death, and it's number nine and final, can you find it in your heart to let me live at least to the end of the week? All this dying so close together has left me exhausted."

Fearless Warrior: Isaacson Trilogy Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now