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"If I'm going to be completely honest," Elsie hedged for the sixth time in the past half hour, "the decision was one which, in a manner of speaking, was heavily deliberated over until we—I mean I—could come to no other conclusion than to-"

"For crying out loud, woman!" Ulric leaned forward and hissed, "Would you get to the point for once? Enough with your hem-hawing, and just tell us why you were following us?"

Her back stiffened, and she focused on straightening her sleeves. "There's no need to be so rude. I'd built up my courage sufficiently and was about to tell you the reason this time, but now I don't think I shall."

Ulric hung his head and groaned, "I give up."

Elsie clucked her tongue and tilted her head to the side, "Will it make you feel any better to know I borrowed-"

"Stole," Piper coughed. She covered another cough and batted her eyelashes, "It's awfully dusty in here, isn't it?"

Elsie scowled at Piper and forced her lips into a pained smile as she turned to Ulric. "Borrowed a hat from Mr. Bernstorff for you to wear?"

Ulric crossed his left ankle over his right knee, "Sure hope this doesn't mean I'm growing on you." He pointed his thumb at Esmund, "It's him you should be cozying up to."

Esmund rubbed his forehead as he settled back into his seat, "We were getting cozy a little while ago..." Had she been playing him for a fool? What if the kiss they'd shared was an attempt to divert his attention in the hopes of escaping? It was beginning to look that way, and it wasn't as though she had to remain in Buffalo Gulch. He certainly wasn't about to keep her there against her will.

Elsie blushed. "Heavens, why don't we talk about something more appropriate?"

"Why, that's an excellent idea," Ulric purred, "I know just the topic we should discuss."

Piper rolled her eyes, "Alright, I'll tell you so we can put the matter to rest once and for all." She cleared her throat and glanced at Elsie, "We are following you because Elsie had a feeling we should."

Ulric stared at her with a blank expression on his face. "Well, why didn't you just say so?"

Elsie's brow lowered into a delicate frown as she opened and closed her mouth several times but made no sound.

Esmund ran his thumb across the armrest as he studied her. His heart kicked against his ribs as though he'd been jolted back to life by Piper's words. Elsie's gaze flitted around the train car like a hummingbird, barely settling before moving again and never once looking at him. Was she self-conscious about the admission? Is that why she'd danced around the issue for so long?

"Are you saying you would have believed her without question?" Piper asked as she reached over and grabbed Elsie's hand.

Ulric scoffed, "Of course." He stood and stepped into the aisle as he looked around the car, "Now, where's that hat you borrowed for me, Elsie?"

Piper smiled at Elsie and stood, "I'll show you."

Esmund watched her lead Ulric toward the rear of the car and turned his attention back to Elsie, who settled her apprehensive and hopeful gaze upon him. She licked her lips and wrung her hands, "I was so worried you wouldn't believe me."

"Can I ask you something?" he murmured as he leaned forward.

She nodded and scooted to the edge of her seat.

He took her hands in his, "Who found me first—back on the mountain?"

Elsie's brow puckered in a frown, "I-I did."

Fearless Warrior: Isaacson Trilogy Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now