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He had to get to Elsie, but what if he was already too late? A desperate ache settled low in his gut while rage boiled beneath his skin. If she'd been hurt in any way, he would make them pay. There was no denying that The Matron was behind his current situation; the only question that remained was what she hoped to accomplish by it.

"Esmund!" Gunnar shouted faintly from the other side of the wall. Heavy thumping sounded against the wood, reverberating in the dark silence surrounding Esmund. The noise distorted as it echoed around the space, making it difficult to pinpoint where the thumping was coming from.

So, Esmund pressed his ear to the wall and shuffled up and down its length, waiting for another thump. How long had he been trapped in the darkness? Hours? Years? Or had it only been a matter of minutes?

The wall shuddered under furious pounding from the other side, causing the wood to creak in protest. Esmund picked up his pace and moved to his right as the sound became louder and more insistent.

Nauseating heat filled the space and added to his torment as sweat poured down his face and into his eyes. He wiped it away and concentrated on the noise as he moved further down the length of the wall.

Wood cracked and splintered seconds before it exploded around him when Gunnar and Ulric barreled inside. All three brothers collided and fell to the floor amidst chunks of wood and metal debris.

Moonlight spilled through the ragged hole they'd created, and the illusion of vast darkness vanished. Tables, chairs, and everything within the car were just as they'd been before; the only difference was the hole where the door and a two-foot section of wall had been.

Gunnar was the first to get back on his feet, followed shortly after by Ulric, who reached down and pulled Esmund up beside them. Cold air caressed Esmund's skin as he winced and doubled over in pain. He gripped his side and closed his eyes, "How long was I stuck in here?"

"Twenty minutes at least," Gunnar murmured.

Esmund took a deep breath and grimaced. Bile rose to the back of his throat as his vision wavered. He swallowed, ignoring the stabbing pain from his broken ribs as he looked at his brothers. "Where's Elsie?"

Gunnar's eyes were full of grief and sympathy when he whispered, "We couldn't stop them from being taken; the witch is too powerful."


Ulric settled a hand on Esmund's shoulder, "We'll get her back."

"Is that supposed to reassure me?" Esmund rolled his shoulders, dislodging Ulric's hold on him, "Did Nora get taken as well?"

"Yes," Gunnar said with a tone full of defeat.

Esmund cursed and slammed his fist into the nearest wall. So much for their daring plan. He muttered another curse and scratched his head, wincing when his fingers found a tender spot. Nothing about this day had gone as expected. How had The Matron known their location? Had she made a preemptive strike against them, knowing they would soon be at her door?

Or was this another part of her game? Perhaps it was both. Either way, he had no doubt they'd find Elsie and Nora at Briarwood under The Matron's 'care.' Esmund cursed once more and reached into his pocket for his tin of berries, "Where's Father? Did he go after them?" He walked toward the hole in the wall, but when neither brother answered his question, he forgot about the berry tin and slowly turned back to face them.

Cold dread slipped down his spine as he stared at Gunnar, who came to stand in front of him. He hadn't noticed it before, but Gunnar's shirt bore a tear at the right shoulder, and three buttons were missing, causing the material to gape open and expose his chest. Spattered blood spread across the fabric and naked skin in a wide arc from left hip to right shoulder.

Fearless Warrior: Isaacson Trilogy Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now