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Briarwood. The name seemed far too innocent for the brownstone looming before them that reeked of barely contained power and evil. It was two stories high and spread out in a scraggly 'w' shape.

There were seven entrances and exits total, three at strategic points for both the east and west wings, plus the grand main entrance in the front middle of the building.

According to Elsie's map, the West wing housed the more dangerous inmates—or so Esmund assumed from the hastily scrawled 'Bad' over that portion of the map. The East wing housed what he hoped would be the more docile, evidenced by the simple word 'Good.'" The Matron's quarters - labeled 'Evil'—were on the upper floor and included a cupola in the middle of the building.

Now that he could see the building in person, he figured her quarters gave her a view of both wings and the entirety of the property, which could make staging a surprise attack a bit more complicated.

Snow had begun falling in earnest within the past half hour, joining the eight inches already covering the expansive grounds. From where they hid behind the overgrown boxwoods, faint candlelight flickered from the many windows of what appeared to be a conservatory. The other darkened windows on both levels of the main building were spaced every five feet and reflected the faint moonlight captured within the snow and clouds.

From the number of dormitories drawn on the map, there were possibly twenty inmates; more than half were in the "Bad" section, which could make them too unpredictable to release in hopes of causing a distraction. But, Esmund remained optimistic their plan would still be successful. It had to be.

"Any word from Elsie?" Ulric whispered. "It'd sure be helpful to know what we're walking into."

Esmund shook his head. "No, I've been trying, but she hasn't answered."

"Alright, so here's what I think we should do," Ulric crouched beside Esmund. "Go up to the front door and walk in like we own the place."

Gunnar raised a skeptical brow, "Better yet, how about we build a fire and dance around it until she comes out and joins us."

Ulric punched him in the shoulder and scowled, "Surprise isn't going to work, you nimrod. She knows we're coming, but I doubt she'll expect us to be so bold."

Esmund studied the building, watching for any movement within the conservatory, "You two go through the front; I'll go through the East dormitory and see if I can find anyone wanting to help us."

"You want to risk getting other people killed?" Ulric said.

Esmund took a deep breath and ground his teeth, "I believe we've already proved berserkers aren't much of a threat against witches." He looked at both brothers, "We need to fight magic with magic if we can...at least until one of us gets close enough to do some real damage to her."

They looked at one another in silence before nodding in agreement.

Gunnar whispered, "Did you already give the silencing potion to Elsie?"

Esmund shook his head and reached into his front pocket, "No, I-" he stopped short and patted both pockets as his eyes widened, and panic filled his veins. "It's gone."

"What do you mean it's gone? What'd you do with it?" Ulric growled as he reached forward.

Esmund swatted Ulric's hands away and rechecked his pockets. His stomach dropped when he realized the bottom of his right pocket was filled with crushed glass coated in a sticky substance. "I mean, it's gone," he pulled out the residue and showed his brothers, "as in the vial is broken and the potion wasted." He muttered a curse and sat back on his heels as he looked to the sky, "Could this day get any worse?"

Fearless Warrior: Isaacson Trilogy Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now