Chapter 1: Home

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Nille was running on all fours to the nearest stream that she passed on the way. The running water glistened, moonlight shining onto it. She felt the stub of where a horn used to be and could only feel the blood pouring out of the wound. The blood was covering her face and made it hard to see. She dunked her head into water, staining the pure water with a crimson hue. Blood and tears begin to mix into the river as the kobold cries. "NILLE?! NIIILLLE?!" A voice from the shadows started to yell. 
The other kobold used the sobs to locate his friend who had their face in their hands. Tugs runs over to Nille already grasping bandages from a pouch. "Oh my" he reaches up to the horn and wraps it. "That's not something that snobs can repair trip" Nille wipes tears from her eyes but they flood back up again. "Alright, don't worry about it, let's go home before it gets any worse" Nille looks up at tugs and gives him a hug.
They walk through the silent woods, walking on there paths they made over the years. Small creatures skitter through the bramble as tugs keeps trying to calm down Nille, her sobs becoming sniffles. The throbbing feeling of pain reminding her of her blunder. Thoughts race inside their minds and both become silent as they walk. They come up to the maw of a cave covered by moss and vines, they duck under.
As the kobolds enter the cave, noises start to get louder from inside. They turned the corner to find the kobolds home, Shrak. It's been there home for a good while now, around 70 years ago the kobolds before them moved here after their home was raided and destroyed. The village was giant for a kobolds home, with enough buildings to house plenty of their kin, even if they were basic and small. Not many races mess with their home, but as the humans populate and expand the kobolds have been spotting them more and more off of the main road, a town lies not to far and threatens the peace of the village.

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