Chapter 3: Work

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After looking at the spoils of her "raid" Nille and tugs decide to go to their respective living areas to sleep. However, once Nille got to her room, she felt the urge to work on some ideas she had. Some of the things she stole from that merchant might be able to be used for her traps. Sitting at her desk in her room, Nille starts tinkering with a metal contraption, in the middle is a pan she got from a bear trap in the woods connected to a coil spring that locks another spring. A tube that's connected to the top of the metal is melted on, Nille slips a small needle into the tube, it goes through and hits the tiny platform connected to the spring.
          Nille smiles, she precedes to drop a small screw onto the pan, nothing. she waits for a second, then grabs the screw, as she touches the screw the mechanism triggers sending the tiny needle soaring into the ceiling. Nille falls backwards in her chair, hitting the floor. She looks up at the needle piercing the wood, half of it embedded. The kobold sighs in relief and grabs a piece of paper to write a reminder to ask Ovi for poison to lace the needle with, and to get a new needle.
Nille sat in her room which was cluttered with trinkets and tools scattered everywhere. She worked on traps when she got bored and implemented them into the caves defense later on. She was rated the best trap maker in the village and has used them to stop intruders in the past. She might have vast intellect in making said traps,but other than that she wasn't very smart in other categories. She also has to leave the comfort of her home to find materials for her traps. all of her traps are new inventions she made herself.
Nille gets up and grabs the makeshift spear nest and carries it to the cave entrance. She digs a 6 foot hole into the ground and makes 12 8 inch wide holes, slipping the spears into the holes and finally covering the hole with a paper mâché slab to camouflage the hole. She then stands back looking at her work and smiles. She expects some dumb human to fall into her trap and chuckles. Happy with her work she heads back to her room to finally sleep.
     Walking back through the village when the sun is up is quiet, only a few kobolds stir, guards mostly. Nille's eyes felt very heavy, to much excitement for one day.
She finds her way back to her room, around only snore could be heard. Nille slams onto her bed thinking of nothing but sleep, letting the warm surround her. Her eyes shut and she slips into a gentle sleep.

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