Chapter 13: capture

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The crew has been walking for hours and the sun was just going down. Nille was looking through her stuff trying to find food, but to no avail. Ovi's "medicine" finally wore off and her arm was now sending sharp pains through her. Qualm was hungry but they needed to find food.
"Ok, we need to rest and recoup, qualm why don't you go set up out resting area near here and I'll try to help Ovi with her arm" qualm nodded and started to collect materials for there camp. Ovi sat done and just stared blankly at the brush. "We need to find you something to numb your pain" Nille started to on search ovi's bag. "Nothing in there, already checked" Ovi said, her gaze not changing. " well what do you want, it's not like I know what herbs would numb, and I doubt we would find any around here" ovi sighed.
Qualm came back with enough for a fire and some mushrooms for food. "Not much but it should work for now" qualm have a share to the rest and started on the fire. "How long should it take now" Ovi said, usually she would be keeping track, but her mind has been vacant ever since the pain has came back to her. "Around 1 more day, unless we get lost, which is totally possible." Qualm looked around nervously " I don't think we would be able to survive by our selves" "don't worry, we will get home In No time".
Almost in an instant qualm disappeared Into the darkness outside of the fires light. Ovi and nille jumped up but soon after she was dragged by her legs. Nille watched in horror as a net engulfed her and brought her also into the everlasting darkness. She struggled but all she remembers is a hard thwack and she was out like a light.

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