Chapter 16: Safety

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Guurrhis leads Nille into the building and stops. "So this is the main living area where I rarely get to lounge in." He chuckles to himself, the room is littered with papers and books and only a couple of leathered chairs. Next to that room a kitchen with wooden flooring. "Qualm and Ovi are upstairs, first room the the right" he points up the stairs, motioning Nille to walk up. Nille walks up the creaking stairs and reaches the door.
She knocks "hey, can I come in?" There's a pause and a sound of footsteps, the door opens and Qualm is on the other side. "NILLE" Qualm excitedly hugs Nille. "Oh I'm glad your awake, come on in" Qualm leads Nille Into the room to see Ovi on the bed, with bandage on her arms stub. "Morning Nille." Ovi smiles and sits upright. "Hey, what happened, I thought we were captured." Nille said with confusion in her voice.
"Well we were, it was by Guurrhis's son, his job is to find wild animals and bring them back to the farm usually to either domesticate them or use them as food, we were just in his hunting path." "I see, and these ones help us now?" Nille understood only little but she had to accept what is happening. " yep and they even cleaned my arm and sealed the wound, better then we could anyway."
Ovi face lights up in excitement "Qualm, bring the shiny." Qaulm walks over to the corner of the room and picks up a bronze contraption, he brings it back to Ovi and hands it to her. "So our host is a artificer and made me this." She takes the bandage off the nub and straps the metal onto her arm. "It's a magical infused bronze arm." The arm whirs, as the gears inside it begin to move and Ovi moves it to show Nille.
"That's incredible" Nilles eyes widen and she moves closer, using her mechanical knowledge to try and figure out how it works. She touches around the screws and gears astonished by the contraption. "he made this" Nille asks "maybe he can teach me some techniques" ovi chuckles "it is an amazing machine, but it's kind of heavy and I'm going to have to get used to it" Ovi takes the bronze arm of and re applies the bandages.

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