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Sapa Kanan Cápac

It only takes a day for the news of the woman to reach my father and his council, a lot from a time that breeds fear of the unknown.

I'm clever enough to know they'll never approve of an outsider coming into our homelands without knowing where she comes from and what she wants from our people. I don't know what any of those answers are, but that's the difference between he and I. I couldn't be bothered with knowing why she's here. She's here now with nowhere to go. And the thought of her leaving to fend for herself churns my stomach.

My father and his council can't see the aged innocence in her sweet, sun-filled eyes, or the softness of her hands that could never be capable of anything ill. Just the sight of her smile could send thousands of men blindly into war, all eager for her hand. This goddess, for there is no other known word for someone like her, must be protected from people like my father. Anyone who wants to dispose of her will have to go through me first, and that's a promise I intend to keep.

The brief knock at my door nearly ruffles Isabella awake. I quickly make a clicking sound under my breath and right away, a woman comes walking in.

"Your father would like a word with you, young Sapa," she murmurs quietly, bowing her head in respect. I try not to groan at the thought of speaking to him so early in the day before Isabella's woken up, but I have no choice. Not with him.

"Send in my best guards," I command, trying to control the frown twisting at my lips.

She bows her head once more in acknowledgment and then leaves my room. I know it won't be long until she comes back with my most trusted men, and I can't keep my father waiting long. Until his soul joins our gods in the paquarinas forever, I have to obey his orders.

I gaze down once more at Isabella's sleeping form, a small smile finding my lips at the gentle sight. Her plump mouth parts softly, releasing quiet breaths of air as her long lashes lie soundlessly against her burnt-sienna cheeks. Her body curls perfectly around mine with one palm to my chest and she nudges even closer, as if she knows I'm going to leave her. I won't be gone for long. I won't allow myself to be. Even though I trust the men who swear to watch over her, I still can't bring myself to stray far from this beautiful woman out of curious passion.

I carefully unattach myself and move from her side. Resisting the urge to stroke my thumb along her flushing face, I quickly turn away and make my way over to the fresh bundle of clean garments to clothe my body. Not wanting to change in the same room, I decide to change in another, and then hand the discarded clothes to a nearby servant woman with her hands out.

The men walk swiftly up to my chamber with blank expressions and stiff bodies, a spear gripped tightly in each of their hands. I give them a stern look, trying to convey how serious my words are when it comes to the woman they're going to guard.

"Protect her with your life," I hiss sharply. "If one strand of hair on her head is out of place, I won't hesitate to use either of you as our next sacrifices to the gods."

"Yes, Sapa Kanan," they both say, bowing their heads with a fist pressing tightly over their hearts.

Sparing one more glance in Isabella's direction, I reluctantly move away from my room and go to visit my father. We no longer live in the same hut, seeing as I outgrew living with him ages ago after turning ten and eight and now am on my own at the age of twenty and one. The death of my mother when I was born had aged him significantly though, so it worried me he lived alone aside from his servants, but I selfishly still had no intentions of wanting to live with him after I grew of age. Especially not now.

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