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So you're telling me. Earth. This humongous rock floating in space at an angle near the sun. 3/4 covered with just water and 1/4th land. Has layers within an atmosphere specifically designed in such a way that it's adapted to absorb U.V. light and form normal clouds and rain bearing clouds. Billions and billions of species on land specified in their roles helping in different cycles and processes. So perfectly aligned with every single process from respiration in nanometric cells to large scale processes like forming of clouds , photosynthesis , formation of fossil fuels that help other organisms and mammals like us. Humans.

Humans. So complex of an organic structure from one single fertilized zygote. That zygote containing fused nuclei from the nucleus of two specialized cells fusing known as gametes. This zygote from which we are made from is 100 microns (one millionth of a meter). This divides and divides by the process of mitosis into a ball of cells which divides more to form into this creature that's 1 foot in height when born and grows up to be maximum 5 to 6 foot in height after years and years of dividing and cell specialism. Our system is so specific in their roles that fit and work perfectly together.

All this. In space. Where even bigger planets exist. Then the sun. The size of billions of earths. Then the universe billions of light years away (one light year is the distance light travels in one year : 9461000000000000 metres)

My question is. Why did god. Or if you're an atheist. Why did this all have to be created.  So perfectly aligned with everything and that works perfectly. So much in the universe. We're practically like dust compared to the universe but this dust (us) are so specifically designed. Why. For what purpose.

Are we experiments of even bigger living creatures that we haven't yet discovered?. Why put us on earth? With so so so much resources that we today now utilize. What is the motive. How was everything put so perfectly into place. And why.

We haven't even discovered 95% of the ocean. We've discovered 5% and this just means the earth hides more secrets beneath an unreachable distance where light is impossible to reach. Where pressure is so high due to high density that your skull will explode. See. This is designed in such a way where none of us can reach. Why. Yes maybe in the future we'll discover more. But why. Why have we been put on this rock

Again related to the ocean. The moon. Without the moon. Speeds of wind would increase dangerously and there would be no control on low tides and high tides. Thus leading to brutal tsunamis. Again. Perfectly aligned. How.

Who thought of all this. How did they create it so  beautifully yet so confusingly perfect. The details given to each and every single element. So intricate and specific. Why did they think creating a globe with billions of species with such intricate designs for specific roles is necessary.

Just why.

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