Chapter 11: Sting Me Where It Hurts

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A few things before this chapter begins:

1: Cholé will not reveal her identity in public. (Only to a certain few)
2: She will be judged by Master Fu if she can keep the Bee Miraculous.
3: Cholé will show her true feelings to you(she will be with you in the harem)
4. You..will be receiving a special gift that will have you guys spiraling.

[No one's POV]

Chloé's jaw dropped at the sight of the creature in front of her.

Cholé: Oh... my God, You... what the...

Pollen: My name is Pollen, I'm a kwami; your kwami, to be precise. I'll give you the power to transform into a bee-themed superhero and help Ladybug, Chat Noir and Spider-X defeat Hawkmoth!

Still, Chloé was at a loss for words. Her mouth hung open, eyes wide as saucers.

Cholé: You... You know those three?

Pollen: I know their kwamis, "As well as Rena Rouge's and Carapace's. They've kept the rest of us as well-informed as they can about what's going on in the world. It's nice to see that the Great Guardian is introducing another full-time superhero.

Cholé: That's why I found the box? I was chosen to be a hero?....

Chloé looked down at the comb in the box. Without hesitating, she took it and slid it into her ponytail, letting her sunglasses hide it. Pollen smiled at Chloé's acceptance.

Pollen: Now I'm sure you've already figured this out, but you can't tell anyone.

Chloé: *let's out a small laugh* "Yeah, that's Superhero 101. Or at least it was in all the magical girl animes Adrien and I watched as kids. *takes a deep breath to collect herself* So what do I do, Pollen? I know the other heroes all have a power they can use when they say a certain thing, so what's mine?

Pollen: Quick study; I like it. To transform, you need to say 'Pollen, buzz on!' and to turn back, you say 'Pollen, buzz off.' You with me so far?

Chloé: *scoffs and rolled her eyes* "Of course I am."

Pollen: Alright, then to use your special power, say 'stinger.' It'll allow you to immobilize any one person, but after you do it, you'll only have five minutes until you transform back.

Cholé: *nods* Got it,Is there anything else I need to know?"

Without hesitation, Pollen launched into a full explanation of her powers as well as Hawkmoth's, repeating again and again that Chloé needed to be prepared for anything he could throw at her. Before either of them knew it, morning came, and Chloé had to return to the Grand Palais Museum.

[with y/n]

Y/n Web-Swinged to the Eiffel Tower along with Nusa to find the Bee Miraculous that Marinette dropped. They checked the stairs, elevator, the balcony and stage. Unfortunately mo matter how hard they looked, it was not there.

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