When They First Meet

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Tony is not dead in this one, FYI.

Peter's POV

It was a slow day of patrol and after that last pickpocket I webbed up, I decided to visit Mr. Stark at his cabin since I hadn't checked up on him; he was in a coma after destroying Thanos and his army.

I entered Mr. Stark's workshop to pick up my web fluid. But the first thing I noticed was a little girl who I'd never seen before, working on a tiny version of Mrs. Stark's iron suit. Who is she?

"Hello?" I asked. "Where are your parents?"

The little girl looked up and her face lit up when she saw me.

"Are you Peter?" She asked. "You're Spiderman right?"

I was baffled by her knowledge of me being Spiderman. I took out my water bottle from my bag.

"How do you know who I am?"

"Daddy talks about you all the time! I can tell he really likes you."

"Who is your dad?" I asked, taking a sip of water.

"Tony Stark. My name is Morgan."

I spit out my water and stared at her in disbelief.


I started to freak out because who would have thought he would have a kid?

"Daddy told me how much he missed you while you were gone. I'm pretty sure he thinks of you as his son."

I was still processing this totally new information. I felt like a wire in my brain had a short circuit.

"He thinks of me as his son?" I asked.

"That's what I think." Morgan smiled.

I smiled and Morgan giggled.

"Do you wanna see daddy?" Morgan questioned.

"Yeah, that's what I came here to do in the first place. I haven't been able to visit him all week."

Morgan wiped her hands on a greasy rag and walked towards the sink to wash her hands. She looked around the room for something but I couldn't figure out what.

"Hey Peter? I can't find my step stool. Can you help me? Mommy usually would but she's in a meeting right now."


I knelt down on one knee and lifted her up so she could stand on my other leg to reach the sink.

"Thanks. Can I call you Petey?"

I chuckled before replying.

"Only if I can call your Morg."

"Okay! I like that."

She finished washing her hands and hopped off my leg.

"Okay, let's go see your dad."

Morg smiled and took my hand in her own and led me to Mr. Stark's room.

I saw Mr. Stark in his bed, his face slightly pale.

"Hey Mr. Stark. I'm sorry I haven't really come to visit you. Spidey business and decathlon keep me busy. I met Morgan today. I didn't even know you had a daughter. She seems really smart. I bet she got that from you."

Morgan giggled.

"I hope you wake up soon. I really want to hear your voice again. You really are like a dad to me. I hope you understand how important you are to me. I can't imagine the world without Tony Stark. Who would mentor me? Who would teach Morgan everything about engineering and physics?"

I took a deep breath and Morg held my hand and gently squeezed it, then let go. She climbed up on Mr. Stark's bed and snuggled up against him.

"I love you 3,000 daddy. Please wake up. I miss you and so does Mommy. Petey is really nice and he is smart and caring like you told me. If you and mommy have a date night, can he babysit me?"

I smiled. Then one of Mr. Stark's eyes peeked open.

"Hey Morgan." He said to his daughter.

"Daddy!" Morgan yelled.

She immediately threw herself into his arms and Mr. Stark groaned.

"Morg, be careful, I'm still in pain." He said.

"Mr. Stark." I said with tears of happiness in my eyes.

"Hey Peter." He replied.

"Uh, did you hear everything I said about you?"

"Yup." He said smiling.

"So you were pretending to be asleep when I came in?" I asked jokingly.

"I heard your voice and I wanted to surprise you. I woke up about an hour ago."

I laughed and joined in the family's hug.

"It's good to hear your voice again Mr. Stark." I whispered in his ear.

"Missed you too Underoos." He replied.

"Daddy calls you Underoos?" Morgan asked curiously. "What does that mean?"

I looked at Morgan and pondered her question.

"I think... Actually I don't know." I said. "Mr. Stark, why do I have that nickname?"

"I just thought it was funny."

"Can I call you that?" Morgan asked pleadingly.

I smiled and shook my head no.

"Awwwww, why not?"

"Only Mr. Stark can call me that."

Mr. Stark laughed.

"Ok," Morg said, a pouty look on her face. "Fine."

I have been wanting to do this since I saw Endgame. I was looking up sibling dynamic fics between these two and I didn't really find any, which surprised me because there was fan art but not really any oneshots. I hope you liked it and please request prompts because I only have one more idea for a oneshot and I need more. I want to make a lot of these and I'm pretty sure you all have ideas that you want but couldn't find. Have a wonderful day!

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