Oh No, You Let The Hulk Out!

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Peter's POV

I was sitting in my robotics class waiting for class to begin. Usually I'm excited to have this class but today was when the whole class was going to Avengers Tower. The plan was for the class to get hands on experience working in the labs for the day. We would have to write a report later but that's not what I'm nervous about.

I was tapping my foot really fast and Ned immediately asked what's wrong.

"I'm nervous about the Avengers embarrassing me." I said. "They're all cool with me but we have prank wars all the time and I don't want to fall victim to one."

"The Avengers have prank wars?" Ned asked curiously. "What are they like?"

"Well the person who picks on me the most is Falcon but his pranks are pretty silly though." I said.

"What do you mean?"

"Well I found out after, you know, the bite, that I can't have peppermint." I explained. "I googled it and apparently spiders react to peppermint badly. It sucks that I can't have candy canes anymore and-"

"Peter! Get back on the subject." Ned said.

"Sorry. So anyways, he found out and he started to tape mint gum to things that I use regularly such as the backs of door handles and my hand stings really bad after touching it. He even taped mint gum on the inside of the eyes of my mask! My eyes were swollen for 2 days!"

"You mean to tell me that it wasn't May who gave you swollen eyes? You said it was caused by sneaking in the apartment and May didn't know it was you and she used pepper spray!"

"I didn't want to tell you that because it's embarrassing." I muttered. "My Spidey sense didn't go off because it wasn't as dangerous as getting stabbed so, yeah."

"Hey Penis!"

I looked behind me to see Flash smiling smugly.

"What?" I said in an exasperated voice.

"You ready for Tony Stark to say he doesn't know you? That you've been lying to us the entire time?"

I turned around in my seat to try and ignore him but he threw a screwdriver at my head and without thinking, I turned around in my seat and caught it. He looked at me with widened eyes.

"How did you do that?" He asked suspiciously.

"I heard you open the toolbox and I assumed you were getting something to hit me with. You hit me with a bolt last week."

He was about to say something back until the teacher told us that we were leaving.

*One long bus ride later*

We walked off the bus and we were greeted inside the lobby by Captain America himself.

"Hello. I assume you are from Midtown? I'm Captain America. This way please. After you."

I noticed that almost all of the girls looked at him with googly eyes when they passed him, making me shake my head. They are way too young for him. He's like 90 in reality but only looked like he was in his early twenties.

He led us to a table where there were multiple badges waiting for the class to take.

"These are for you to use for the day." Mr. Rogers explained. "They give you access to only certain parts of the tower. If they are misused, the A.I. in this building will immediately notify someone and you will be removed from the property."

I waited for everyone else to get one before putting on the one Mr. Stark gave me. I was going to stay after the field trip to work with Mr. Stark and I already got permission.

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