Field Trip

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This turned out better than I thought it would, ImLilMissComplicated!

3rd person POV

Peter had not gotten enough sleep last night. He had tossed and turned all night because today, he was going on a field trip with his academic decathlon team to Avengers Tower. He had already asked the Avengers who would be there that day to not embarrass him or acknowledge him unless necessary.

"Peter! It's time to get up!" Aunt May yelled.

Shit! What do I do?! Peter thought. Uh, ok Peter think. Ok, act sick so you don't have to go!

"May, I don't feel good. I think I should stay home." He said in a very poorly faked congested voice.

May poked her head in his room and grinned.

"Nice try mister. You're not getting out of this."

Peter groaned and got out of bed and eventually went off to school.

*At school*

Peter's POV

I sat down in my first period next to Ned and he seemed very excited.

"Dude, I'm so ready to meet the Avengers!" He exclaimed.

"I know you are, but not all of them will be there today." I said.

"And how does Penis Parker know that?" I heard the most obnoxious voice in the world retort.

We looked up and Flash was standing at our desk grinning.

"You know the first question I'm gonna asked Tony Stark is whether or not you actually know him. And he's gonna say no, proving that you've been lying!" He said gleefully.

"Hey dickhead!" I heard another voice say.

We all turned to look at the new person. It was MJ.

"Why do you bug him so much?" She asked.

"Because Penis is obviously lying. I looked at the website and there are no internships offered for high school students."

My eyes widened and I panicked.

"What do you have to say about that Parker?" Flash asked me.

Before I could dig myself into a deeper hole, the bell rang and Mr. Harrington walked into the room.

"All right kids, we are gonna leave in about 10 minutes so get everything you need to take so we can have a smooth trip." He announced. "We don't want anything to shorten our day with Mr. Stark. I know you are all excited to meet him but I need you all to be on your best behavior."

"Yes Mr. Harrington." We chorused.

"Ok, let's do roll call."

*At the tower*

I walked behind everyone else with Ned and MJ, trying my best not to be noticed.

The lady at the front desk checked us in and gave everyone a lanyard with a badge for security clearance except for me.

"Welcome back Peter." She said. "You haven't lost your badge have you?"

"Oh, no, I have it in my bag." I said nervously. I had noticed that Flash was staring at me as I took out my own badge and put it on.

Flash came up to me and looked at my badge. It had clearance to all levels of the tower but I decided not to tell him that.

Our tour guide had everyone scan their badges before entering the elevator. FRIDAY called out Flash's name first and he jumped in surprise.

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