『5』➳ superhumans

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finally closing your bag, you waltzed into the aged library and found your friends in your usual spot upstairs. "ayyyyy!!"

"shh!" a volunteer at the library shushed you.

"you shush! ayyy!" you whisper-shouted, giving johnny a big bear hug. "i missed you so much, bro. embrace me." you stood there for a minute holding each other, and wiping non-existent tears, while the rest of the squad watched. the last time you saw each other was two days ago, but they were used to your dramatic entrances. pulling away, you went to each of them and did your little handshakes.

although when you got to the last person - mark - your grin dropped and you gave him a stank face. "get out my seat. why are you even here?"

"woah woah woah, why am i getting attacked? haechan is the one in your seat!"

"i'm joking, mark." grabbing the arm that was up in protest, you held his wrist and did the series of steps with his limp hand. "love you." slapping him on the forehead, you also sent him a flying kiss, before walking around the long table to get to your actual seat.

as you approached, donghyuck stood up and let you sit, before plonking down on your lap and pulling your arms around him.


ignoring mark, jaehyun spoke up, "what took you so long?"

"oh, i accidentally ran into someone."

"there you go again, almost killing someone 'cause you're blind as shit." picking up one of taeyong's pens next to you, you threw it at yuta, missing by miles. you blamed the aim on donghyuck.

"square up." the japanese stood up, pulling his fists up next to his head in an exaggerated pose. "bitch, if you don't-"
hyuck wrapped his arms around your neck, preventing you from moving. "you're lucky he's holding me back."

"okay!" doyoung clapped his hands while you and yuta stared each other down, beginning to take out his papers, "can we actually do some work? i don't want to get kicked out again."

"yeah, come on guys." taeyong did the same, moving his things down the table to leave some space for you. donghyuck found his own seat next to mark, allowing you to pull out your laptop and the rest of your supplies. this caused the snacks in your bag to rustle, attracting the attention on everyone on the table.

rolling your eyes at their peering, you waved them off, mumbling a 'later'. there was no later, they weren't getting shit.

you worked in somewhat silence for the better half of three hours, and you felt like your brain was about to explode. yawning, you stretched, leaning over the back of your chair. satisfied with the cracks, you sat up straight again, looking around the table.

doyoung, taeil and taeyong were still working, johnny had his earphones in, watching something on his laptop, while jungwoo glanced up from his work to peer at his screen every now and again. donghyuck and mark were bickering over a formula, although quietly as to not wake the sleeping yuta beside them. in his unconscious state, he had managed to grasp on to sicheng, who struggled to write with the muscular arms pining his arms to his sides. poor guy.
jaehyun had also fallen asleep too, he didn't get much with you kicking and slapping him all last night.

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