『11』➳ long walks in the dark

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my address

my friends stole my phone

are you coming

shouldn't i be asking you that? 😏
okay i'm sorry

when you get here don't knock
my parents are asleep

i'm here


i ran


but come quick

although jungkook made his way downstairs quietly, the silence was destroyed as soon as he creaked open the door,

"ah! fuck me! i'm so tired. can i- can you get me a cup of water please? oh my god, i'm dying," you were bent over, hands on your knees and back rising heavily with your deep breaths.

"you're not dying," he rolled his eyes at your wheezing, but still pulled your arm to lead you to his kitchen, "and hush, you're being too loud."

"sorry, sorry. but, i think i have asthma?" you sat down on the stool he directed you to, writhing about to get comfortable as you felt your muscles burn. "how did i manage to make field and track?"

"i don't know."

"rhetorical." he placed down a glass of cool water in front of you, and stood to the side while you gulped it down like an animal.

"why are you acting like you've never had water before?"

you finished the drink, even though most of it landed on your shirt, and placed the glass gently back onto the black marble. "i'm not. do you know how far my house is from here?"

"no? but i don't really care; no one told you to run."

"the psycho killer out for my delicious blood did. and i wasn't about to die looking like this." jungkook did a once over on your outfit and didn't see anything bad about it, although it was different from what you wore to the library. he too had changed, into a baggy yellow shirt and basketball shorts. you had on black shirt, some branded tracksuit bottoms and matching sliders. wait sliders?

"you ran all the way here in sliders?"

"mhm." you nodded, finally pulling up your shirt to wipe the bottom of your face and neck. jungkook quickly averted his eyes, when he saw the peek of your (s/t) skin, not trusting himself to be able to function properly if he saw what was hiding underneath.
unaware of what you were doing to him, you continued, "one fell off and i didn't realise until i was at the end of the street. look at my sock."

you slid one off, to properly show him the brown sock. "this used to be white." you watched his unimpressed face turn into shock/disgust, and nodded again. "yeahh, bleach should do the trick though."

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