Inexorable Trouble At Hogwarts

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Maddona and Tom strolled on the damp soil, which kept wheeling them deeper into the vast wilderness of the forest. Although both of the young souls were fully drained out of their energy, still they continued their fearsome journey, not knowing what the outcome could be. Some time later, they entered a part of the forest which seemed to be completely distinct from the rest; it was quite strange looking with monstrous trees rooted on both sides, hardly leaving a space for them to walk. Its shinny leaves hung like stars twinkling in the branches. The whole area seemed to be glittering in the moonlight. 

    A sudden noise startled both of them; it was like a creature was wailing in excruciating pain and fear. Following the source of sound, they soon found an animal laying on the ground with blood gushing out of a deep wound on its neck. It seemed that the animal was on the verge of dying. They looked closer and found out that it was a Unicorn. It was clear that the werewolf had attacked it, as it had claw marks on its entire body. And now they understood the reason for the bloodstains on wolf’s mouth was from the severe wounds of this poor Unicorn

Madonna went near the fascinating creature; she wanted to help it as much as she could, she just couldn't let it die without any help. She asked for Riddle's assistance too, but neither of the two young fellows knew exactly how to save the life of this precious creature. A sudden thought came into her mind; she remembered that Dittany leaves could heal the wounds of Unicorns, she had read it in her Advanced Potions Making text-book. She told Tom and quickly they started searching for Dittany leaves. It seemed completely impossible to search for those tiny leaves in this boundless woodland, where every shurb and herb seemed so similar to each other. But after rentless searching, they found out the dark green Dittany leaves.

Madonna plucked the leaves and hurried to make the potion, as she was afraid that the creature had very little time left in it. She quickly made the healing potion and applied it to the Unicorn. Both of them then waited for the potion to start it’s effects, but the condition of the Unicorn didn't seem any better than before. It was utterly distressing and heart breaking for her, despite all her troubles and hard work she still couldn't save the creature.

Then, all of a sudden, a miracle seemed to take place. Greenish smoke billowed upwards and when it was cleared, Madonna noticed that the bleeding had stopped. The Wound now looked several days old; new skin stretched over what had been open flesh. The Unicorn seemed to slowly open its eyes and started to breathe normally, it seemed to be less pathetic and its agony seemed to lessen a bit. 

Madonna was happy as the potion had at last worked. But still, the unicorn was not completely healed. She asked Tom if he could manage some of its wounds by his magic. Riddle chanted some of his healing spells, not knowing whether it would work on it. But with Madonna's continuous prayers, Riddle's magic seemed to heal some of its deathly wounds. 

The tame, exquisite creature seemed to be getting well. It slowly sat up on the wet puddle, and after a few of it's failed attempts, it stood up firmly on the mud-caked floor. Madonna couldn't express her happiness, she has finally succeeded in saving the life of this gentle, mystical creature. The unicorn seemed to be deeply obliged to both of them for saving its life. It bent down its head near Madonna, to gently rub it with her hands. It looked like the Unicorn had become deeply attached to her. It rubbed its head against her, indicating its respect and gratitude towards them. The sudden crushing noise of the pebbles and broken twigs on the ground indicated someone's footsteps from the back side of the forest.

Looking behind, they were relieved to see Professor Kettleburn, with his little Knarl on his shoulders, coming towards them. He was shocked to see both of his students with the Unicorn. He was more surprised when he saw the deep claw marks on the Unicorn's body, though it was much better condition than before. Madonna narrated the whole story to him.

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