Return of the Avatar

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Korra has been away from Republic City for far to long. She hasn't seen any of her friends in years. She has been all over the earth kingdom repairing the damage done by Kuvira. She may be defeated, but like Fire Lord Ozai, her effect on the people of the earth kingdom are still there. Korra has spent years dismantling and destroying the remains of Kuviras army. And after 6 years of hard work, she has finally erased Kuvira's terror from the earth kingdom.

But she had no one to celebrate this victory with. She was alone... Her girlfriend broke up with her 2 years ago, so she's been on her own.

Korra was on a fire nation ship headed for Republic City. She was excited to finally return home after so long. She was also scared, really scared. What changed since she's been gone? What happened to her friends since she's been away? So many questions.

She would just have to ask Tenzin when she gets there. Tenzin. When last has she seen her master? It's been so long.

Mako, what's Mako up to now a days? Has he gotten that promotion he was working so hard for?

Bolin, that goofball. Her heart fluttered thinking about him. It's been so long since she seen him. He always sent letters to her. They always kept in contact. But she felt bad that she never replied to his letters. He always wanted to know how she was doing. But he stopped sending those letters a few years ago. It broke her heart, but she deserved it. She didn't have the time to even write a quick letter saying she was fine. She felt like a jerk. Will he even talk to her? She felt her heart sink a bit.

She was cut from her thoughts when someone knocked on her door. She opened it to see Iroh standing there in his smart uniform. He gave her a warm smile. "We will be docking shortly Avatar Korra" he said in his usually commanding voice.

"How many times must I tell you Iroh, call me Korra. I'm not your mother" she said putting her hands on her hips.

"Yes, but I was taught to always-" he was cut off when she put her finger to his lip. "Yes, Yes, respectful manners and all that, I know. You give me that speech every day" she said titling her head. He sighed in defeat. "We will be docking soon Korra" He said softly. Korra smirked at him, "Atta boy". Iroh rolled his eyes and walked off. Korra had a few more minutes before they docked. She made sure all her things were packed and ready to go. As she was looking through her clothes to check if she had every thing, she noticed how different her attire was now from when she left Republic City. All her old cloths were modified into some sort if battle gear. Her favorite one being her southern water tribe armour.

She usually wears that outfit, but when she has some downtime, Korra usually wore a water tribe outfit gifted to her by her father

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She usually wears that outfit, but when she has some downtime, Korra usually wore a water tribe outfit gifted to her by her father.

She usually wears that outfit, but when she has some downtime, Korra usually wore a water tribe outfit gifted to her by her father

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She like it, but she preferred her battle armour over her casual attire. She always felt better wearing her armour anyways.

She took her suit cases and walked up to the main deck. She walked to the edge of the deck and looked out over the edge. She couldn't see anything because it was fogy.

She wondered how the city looks, did they rebuild the old buildings? Did they make new ones? She was like a cat on drugs. She was so curios to how the world changed. She wanted to know how her friends were doing. She wanted to see Tenzin and his family again. Would they still recognize her? She was so scared.

"Arriving at Republic City" said a man over the intercom. As the fog fadded, Korra's eyes widened. The city came into view, and it looks even better than she could ever imagine.

It looked amazing, the city looked so new. There were more skyscrapers than before. The city looked expanded and the spirit portal shone brightly into the sky. The city looked beautiful.

Korra looked at the city like she's never seen it before. Korra couldn't wait to see what's changed.

As the boat docked, Korra bursted down the corridor that led to the outside. As she got off, she took in her surroundings. It blew her away, the port looked nothing like this when she left, there was more space for ships, there was a big shop that looked bigger than the air temple island and there were some dancers performing for the crowd. Her smile grew bigger. Home sweet home, Korra thought to herself. She was going to have to leave again. She was off to return to air temple island. She walked towards the ferry at the other side of the dock.

As she walked past, everyone gasped as she walked past. People were whispering as she walked past them.

They obviously remembered who she was and that she's been gone for 6 years. But she didn't pay much attention to what they were saying. She just walked slowly to her destination.

As she reached the ferry, she walked up the platform and got onto the main deck. She paid the helmsman and off they went to air temple island.

I wonder what's changed, Korra thought to herself

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