Chapter 6 Salutations

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Each step they took up the cold luminous stone staircase seemed to have echoed throughout the entire grand hall. It seemed like an eternity before they would reach the top court of the king. Nervous feelings swirled and intensified in Zelda's stomach after each step she took, this would be her first grand appointment in over one hundred years. I have to make it count, she thought to herself. As she glanced towards Link, she saw that he too was unusually anxious as well. In his mind, he was never well suited for grandiose meetings with royalty. The thought of him having to speak, made his mouth go dry and forehead bead several small tears of sweat. But there was no turning back now, Link and Zelda alongside the Zora prince had finally made their way to the audience of the King.

"Bless my fins, do my eyes deceive me? Could that possibly be? " the large and towering Zora King said as his strong voiced vibrated throughout the entire hall. He then beveled over to get a closer look at the beautiful golden-haired princess who stood before him.

"It is father...Princess of Hyrule, safe at last...Zelda," Sidon said back as he waved his hands before the King, pointing towards the young hylian princess.

The King smiled. "It is with great joy and relief that fills my heart to see of your safe return from the clutches of the Calamity which has ravaged this land for so long. For one hundred years we have hoped for your safe return to us and for peace to be restored to our great land...and it would have seemed the Gods have finally answered our prayers...but, you haven't aged a day? You look the same from when I last saw you, as if it were only yesterday?" King Dorephan said to her, curiously lifting an eyebrow in wonder.

The hylian princess then lifted her chin up towards the king. "Yes, it is I who stands before you now, I am no illusion and your eyes do not deceive you dear King," Zelda said as she stepped forward, with a hand pressed against her chest, she addressed the king and his court. She then smiled, looking to everyone who was present. "My life has been spared and by the power of the goddesses themselves, I was preserved dormant for one hundred years, locked away in another realm, a realm where time does not pass or flow freely as our own. There I had to stay, using all the power my heart, mind and soul could muster to contain the Calamity, until the time came for Link to fulfill destiny," she continued.

"Indeed, and it would seem destiny has been fulfilled I'd say. For Calamity Ganon is no more. Smitten at long last," the King added. He then sat back on his throne and lifted a cheerful smirk.

A voice from the side then cut through. "How utterly convenient that Hyrule's Princess has been safely returned whereas ours has perished," Muzu interrupted bitterly as he stood leering at Link and Zelda.

"Muzu!" Sidon stepped forward in protest of his words, embarrassed on behalf of him.

"Well it is true isn't it!?" Muzu added not relinquishing or backing down from his words of condemnation.

"Muzu, I forbid you to speak ill to the princess that way again, and that goes without saying, Mipha knew what was asked of her and of the sacrifices she would have to make. She would not want you spend all your time moping around, mourning her and holding grudges for what she freely gave of her own free will. There is no greater honor that I could have had asked for, then having been blessed with a daughter such as Mipha," the King said firmly.

"Hmph! Well then, it seems I'm no longer needed or wanted here. May I take my leave from your presence my liege, at least until these outsiders are no longer among us," Muzu complained taking a few steps back bowing his head in surrender to the King's words. The king nodded in approval for him to leave the meeting. Muzu then did an about face and marched out of the grand hall with a huff, grumbling under his breath as he stormed off.

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