Chapter Three

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Ugh that dumb person almost got me caught! Us caught he is so dead when I get home! "Omo, have you seen the new guy, ugh, he is so hot!" Girl A says. "His name is L.Joe ugh so hot!" Girl B says. God is that all I'm going to hear while eating lunch. I get up and walk outside and sit on the bleachers while watching everyone eat lunch. "Someone still doesn't eat lunch," I look over and see L.Joe smiling and handing me something out of his bag. "You’re gonna have me on the girls wanted list," I say while moving over and he just follows me. "Yah. Oppa! I mean, L.Joe," I say while looking back at the field and see the group watching along with a girl group. "I should head back to class," I say standing up. "Stop! We need to talk!" He screams which makes everyone look at us. "What is it?" I ask low. "Stop acting different in front of me. We were each other’s first with everything the only reason I came back was because of you," He says low. "But Daehyun, Oppa doesn't want us talking.." I say low "I know, that's why I love that you’re our groups girl." He says with a smile. I look up and see Daehyun walking fast towards us. "Run!" We both scream. "Yah! You two! Hongki get Miyoung!" Daehyun screams. I finally made it down and Hongki pushes me and then sits on me. "Yah!! Oppa!!" I scream while seeing L.Joe caught too. "What the hell is going on?" Himchan asks with a lost look. "Family stuff between friends!" Daehyun says while shoving L.Joe in the wall. "More like killing another guy over our entire group’s girl." Jongup says. "Hongki get off her now!"YongGuk screams. I stand up and kick both guys in the leg, "Well, we’re all family here what's going on?" Himchan says. "Nothing," Daehyun say with grinding his teeth. I start walking away when he says low "We’ll finish this at home," I shake my head and walk off slowly to class.  

I decided to skip the last class and I think all the guys noticed ‘cause my phone was blowing up so I just turned it off. I started walking and ended up somewhere that I've never been which means I'm lost. I sit on the grass next to a lake when someone sits next to me. He was cute and tall. "Hello!" He says while waving at me. "Hey," I say while smiling at him. "What's your name?" He asks. "Jung Miyoung," I say low. "Hmm well nice to meet you my name is Changjo." He says with a smile. "Cute name!" I say trying not to blush. "So, why are you out here in the middle of nowhere?" He asks while looking around. "Drama," I say while looking at my phone. "Ah! Boys," Changjo says while looking close to my face. "More like 7 of them," I say low. "Gosh are you a player!?" He says with a freaked out look. I just laugh "no.. I have a group at school who bullied and I stood up for my best guy friend and then they made a bet saying if someone in his group beats me up then I lose and have too be all 6 of there kinda girlfriend thing. I got beat up by my brother who is in the group but no one knows where blood.. Wait why am I telling a stranger my life story.." I say out loud and he starts laughing. "It's always the best thing to do cause you know you'll never see that person again right?" Changjo says. "Mhmm your right." I say. It was getting dark and I need to know how to get home.. "Do you know your way around here?" I ask. "Yes. I go to the high school next too yours so I'll show you the way back." He says while he stood up and held his hand out for me to grab. Which I did and it made us both smile big. I turned my phone back on and I had 78 texts and 134 missed calls my moms out of town so it must be my brother... My phone goes off and it's Himchan I freeze and Changjo looks at me funny. "You okay?" He asks. "Hello.." I say low. "Oh my god Miyoung where are you love!?" Himchan has a worried voice. "Heading too the school but its fine I'll see you allSunday." I say while waiting for him to say something. "No, where all waiting at the school except Daehyun.." Himchan says while sounding weird. "Okay be there soon." I say while hanging up. I look back at my phone and none of the missed calls where from my brother only one text saying "going to the club won't be home tonight.." "Everything okay? " Changjo asks. "Everything is perfect!" I say with a big smile until I see very unhappy guys. 

"So this is who you ran off with?!"Jongup screams at me. "Changjo?" L.Joe says low. He looks up and smiles big "hyung!!" He screams and jumps into L.Joes arms. "I've missed you when did you get back!?" Changjo says loud. "Last week. It looks like you still have a crush on my ex." L.Joe says but then covers his mouth. "EX!" Everyone screams. "Aish pabo!!!" I say starting to walk away but my jumpers was being held by YoungJae. "Miyoung! As in Omo.. Now she knows I liked her." Changjo screams. "We'll liked is in the past cause Miyoung belongs too us, now back to the freaking ex part!" Himchan says louder. "It ended the summer of me going into my second year of high school.. It's in the past it was only a three year relationship.." I say low. "As long as there's nothing anymore it's fine." Himchan says. "There is nothing." We both said at the same time. "We'll everyone should go home and since I live by Miyoung I will take her home." YongGuk says while grabbing my hand. "Good night everyone. Oh! Changjo here." I say while handing him a card. "Stop flirting!" L.Joe screams at us while shoving Changjo's head. I start walking too my house when we stop and he looks at me "are there any rules about kissing?" YongGuk asks. "Huh I don't..." I was saying but then my sentence got cut off with a kiss.. Very nice kiss I might add.. He pulls back "Dammit I knew I was falling for you." He says then starts walking faster to my house. When we get there the lights are all on "no one should be home.." I say low.. "Really then I'll go first.." YongGuk says while unlocking the door. He looks back confused I look in and see both Hongki and Daehyun playing a video game. "Why are you two here?" He asks while looking back at me. I just shove him in and slam and locked the door. "Hyung.. Truth is.. Well she's my little sister.." Daehyun says bluntly.. "I'am sorry he's drunk... Please no one can know.. Only L.Joe knows.." I say low. "Ah that's why he doesn't want anyone touching you!" YongGuk says out loud. I just shake my head yes "well since your drunk... I kissed your sister." He says with a smile. "Oppa!" I scream. "Awh, cute couple!" Hongki says while smiling. "Your not her first kiss no one will be her first.. Except that babo L.Joe." Daehyun says while shaking his head. "Oh my god! Your dead!" I scream while jumping on top of him and kicking and screaming and YongGuk grab me and I stopped. "It's okay everyone has had a first you are not shunned." He says while patting my head. "Thanks oppa.." I say while looking down.. "Okay, we'll we will see you tomorrow everyone had planned too go to Daehyuns house but I guess will be seeing you three?" YongGuk says while out the door. "Crap!" I scream while the door shuts on my face.

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