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I wake up and see Himchan laying next to me weak as ever, "oppa.." I say while getting up and walking over to his bed and sitting down. I shake him a little and he moves and his eyes open "Miyoung is that really you.." He says with such a weak voice while rubbing my cheek. "Why did you do this to your body?" I ask while looking around wondering where everyone went. "I hurt you bad.. I couldn't stand watching you get smaller and weaker everyday all cause of me." He says low. "Noona! Why are you out of bed!?" Zelo scream making me jump and almost fall back but he catches me before I go down. God not again my heart is beating fast while he holds me or touches me, why tho? I sit back in my bed and Himchan gives me a weird look after watching Zelo and I. "Miyoung your going home!" Daehyun says loud while walking into the room. I stand up and walk in the bathroom to get dress when I hear them talking about me so I stop and listen. "Zelo stop touching her!" Himchan says loud. "Why what's going on?" Daehyun ask. "Um I don't know? I am always this close to her?" Zelo says sounding lost. "She grabs her heart every time you touch her or go near her! That only means one thing and you know it!" Himchan says loud. "She's falling for Zelo???!!!" Daehyun screams. Oh god could that be true? He's the only one who's ever cared about me, only one to show me love.. OH MY GOD I am! "Noona like me nahh I'am nothing special.." Zelo says low sounding sad. I open the door acting like I heard nothing, "lets go!" I say but when I look at Zelo he looks sad.. But why he is who I'am falling in love with..

It's been a week since I've been home and all the boys come too visit but one.. I grab my phone and call Zelo's number. "Hello?" He sounds different.. "Zelo where have you been? I've missed you." I say with a big smile. "Ehh I just think its best we don't see each other for a bit." He says low.. "Why? Cause I've fallen in love with you and your scared the guys will kill us!?" I scream and then realize what I just said. "Miyoung... You.." Zelo was saying but I cut him off. "Just forget it.. See you around maybe." I say then hang up the phone. I turn to walk out when I see L.Joe standing there with a shocked face "you love someone else..?" He asks then starts getting mad that he drags me out of my house and throws me in the car and takes me somewhere I don't know and it's pitch black outside. "Get Out!" He screams pulling me out. "Ouch L.Joe your hurting me!!" I scream only to see where in a old run down building. He shoves me to the ground hard that I hit my head, he then grabs my arms as hard as he could "Let go! Your hurting me!" I scream. "Shut it! If I can't have you no one can!" He screams he looks so scary that I don't know what to say or do. He shoves me hard hitting my head on the wall and then he slaps me then walks back to his car "find your way home!" He screams speeding away fast. I grab my phone calling my brother "where are you your suppose to be resting." He asks. "L.Joe.. Heard me talking on the phone... He didn't like what I said he throw me in the car and then left me and I don't know where I am but I'am beat up bad oppa.. Help me..." I say low. I sent him where my phone says I am at then wait.. Only then fading and falling a sleep slow when someone runs to me holding me close. I look up and see Zelo with tears in his eyes "I love you too! Just don't go stay awake!" Zelo screams then I smile "you always come when I'am hurt and I love that... Thank you.." I say then hold him tight not wanting to let go ever but then I start falling asleep in his arms.

(Daehyun's POV)

We finally get her home and in bed when the door bell goes off, I answer it when I see the whole group even L.Joe. "L.Joe said Miyoung is missing again!" Hongki says with a freaked out face. "You low life bastard!" Zelo screams punching L.Joe straight in the face. "Zelo stop!" Miyoung screams while limping to my side. "Miyoung your face." YoungJae say while rubbing it. "You did this to her!" I scream while shoving L.Joe but I'm getting pulled back by Hongki  and YongGuk. "You promised not to touch her again!" Jongup screams while punching him straight in the face. "Stop everyone!" Himchan screams loud. Everyone stops and looks at him, "why did you hurt her again." YoungJae says while looking L.Joe in the face. "I heard she loved someone.. That won't happen if I can't call her mine no one can." L.Joe says with a straight face. "Wait you love someone.." YongGuk say with a shocked face. "Hyung! That's not the problem right now!" I scream at him. "I'am sorry you felt that way... But I told you when you first came back I'am no longer yours." Miyoung say low and then walks back up stairs. "You hurt noona.. Because she loves someone? Your not aloud to come near her or here again!" Zelo screams. "Your not the boss of her!" L.Joe screams. I look up at him "no.. He isn't but I'am.. You should keep away if you rather be alive." I say while getting in his face and shoving him. He looks at us then up to the stairs " Fine! But when I know who it is you chose he's dead! Do you hear me Miyoung!" L.Joe screams then slams the door shut, no one says anything till we heard the car leave. "Who is she in love with he needs to be kept safe." Himchan says low while looking at the ground already knowing the answer. "But she's our groups girl?" Jongup says while looking at everyone. "No.. Not anymore." Himchan say while looking up. "Oppa? Really.. I can love him." Miyoung asks. We all look at him and he just shakes his head yes. "Thank you!" She screams while hugging him tight. "Now who is it!?" YongGuk screams again. She walks over to Zelo and grabs his hand. "You have got to be kicking me.." Hongki says low."Yah! What's wrong with me!" Zelo screams. "I can't even answer that.." YoungJae says while rubbing his head. Everyone starts laughing, for the first time I feel like where a real family.. I just have a feeling something is gonna happen and we won't be ready..

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