Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

We all don't move but they all start coming in the house Zelo runs to me fast "noona I though you ran away again." He says while hugging me tight. Teo was still icing my arm and YoungJae walks over while staring at my arm with a serious look "who did this." He says in a low tone while looking back at the group. "Oppa it's okay." I say while grabbing the back of his shirt. "Let me see." Daehyun says then his ear tips start to turn red. "Who did this you crossed the line!" YongGuk say while glaring at everyone. "I did but who the hell cares not like any of you have room to talk you've hurt her at one point!"L.Joe screams while shoving YoungJae out of his way then walks up to me and grabs my hurt arm ten times harder then before, "yah! Let go!" Daehyun screams while punching L.Joe in the face knocking him to the floor, "god I've wanted to do that ever since I found out he asked you out." Daehyun says loud while sighing. "Yah! Oppa shut up!" I scream then start walking pass everyone when I'am grabbed and shoved into the wall making a picture frame fall on my head making glass fall everywhere and cutting me bad, Himchan steps back realizing what he did but I just start walk away but stop when I become light headed and Teo runs to me trying to hold me up,"Teo oppa call Hongki and don't you three leave me." I say low before blacking out and going limp in his arms.

( Zelo's POV )

She just goes limp and isn't talking anymore, "noona... noona! Wake up please I can't live without you!" I scream falling to the floor next to her. "She said to call Hongki."Teo says while sitting with her head in his lap, "you asshole!" Daehyun screams while jumping Himchan and making him fall to the floor. Everyone was pulling them apart while I try to call Hongki. "Hello?" He says. "Hyung it's Zelo.. Himchan and L.Joe... They hurt noona and she is blacked out.. Everyone is fighting help me.." I say trying to hold back all my tears. "Coming but call 119!" He screams then hangs up. Sam and Yun are sitting next to her "we need to call 119 but I..I can't.." I say while starting to cry. They call and everyone is still fighting until they hear sirens and banging at the door, looking around everyone is bloodly and hurt bad except us four by Miyoung. "What happen here!" The nurse screamed and the cop comes in and starts questioning all of them. "How did she get glass in her head?" The nurse asked. "Himchan shoved her into the wall while she was leaving."Teo says while holding her hand. "What about her arm?" She asks. "L.Joe grabbed her at school hard then when he came to her house."Sam says while holding me, "where is she!" Hongki screams while pushing everyone out of his way to get to her, "Miyoung please wake up.. I can't do this again.."Hongki says while falling to the floor and crying hard. "Hyung they can't see her.. M..move please.. They..y have to noona." I say while crying and trying too pull him back,but Yun helps him up and they move outside and Miyoung is put in the ambulance with Hongki and Teo, leaving us there speechless "come on I'll take you to the hospital." Sam says while opening the car door for me. I look back at the guys who are being treated "you all.." But I just stop talking and shake my head then turn around and get in the car, Sam shuts the door and gets in leaving Yun to drive the guys car to the hospital when there down.

(Hongki's POV)

Where sitting in the waiting room while they have her in surgery to remove the glass, "hyung.. is noona gonna be okay?" Zelo asks while laying in my lap starting to cry. "Yes she's strong remember all that Daehyun put her throw?" I ask and he shakes his head yes and smirks a bit. I see the whole group walk in and Zelo stands up fast before anyone was able to sit, "No one is sitting together! Hyungs you two are not allowed to see her only if she asks! That's even if she wakes up.." He says while walking back. "You three can leave if you want?" I say looking at Teo and his friends. "She told me two things before she passed out in my arms one call you, two us three never leave her side." Teo says with a fake smile hiding his sad one. "Thank you" I say while smiling at them. "Anyone here for Jung Miyoung?" A nurse calls out. We all stand up at ones making her mouth drop, Daehyun and I walk over to her "her brothers right?" She asks and we shake our head yes. "She's out of surgery but she had a lot done to her so it maybe awhile before she wakes up or if she even does..." She says low but everyone heard. "You don't know my noona! She's strong she even kicked his butt!" Zelo screams while pointing at Daehyun. "yah!" Daehyun turns around and screams at him. "Thank you." I say while bowing at her. "She has to makes it.. I didn't mean it..."Himchan says while tears fall. I look at him fast "but you did! you need to learn she is not yours she never will be! I rather you go back to bullying me then making her get black eyes, bruised body and always in the hospital on the verge of dying!" I scream while starting to cry so I just sit down fast. "She will make it.. Even if we have to wait day after day.. We will never give up hope."Sam says while patting my shoulder. "Okay her room is 305P." The nurse says while walking away. Everyone but L.Joe and Himchan get up and go to her room.. Only hoping for the best but thinking the worst..

(Daehyuns POV)

I walk slowly behind everyone to scared to see what she looks like, "oh my god.." I hear Teo say while walking over to her fast. I look and see her with cuts all over her face and hands, her head rapped up with little blood showing. I walk over and rub my hand on her face with tears falling, "why do you always end up here... always hurt do you know it hurts me more then anyone when I see you like this.. I'll be here when you wake up so hurry please oppa is begging you.." I say while forgetting everyone was in the room I turn around everyone giving me a sad look. "Stop. Don't pity me.. she's like this for all of us, we just have to stay strong. Okay?" I say while looking at everyone while they shake there heads. "Who's gonna stay here tonight then will switch off tomorrow afternoon?" Hongki ask while looking at everyone. "I'll stay." Teo says while holding her hand. "No it's okay you have to be at school,you all do.. So just go home I'll be okay alone." I say while sitting next to the bed. "Hyung.. I'am sorry but I'am not leaving my noona.. She's my everything and I don't wanna leave her side even if that means missing school so be it."Zelo says while sitting at her feet. "I don't break promises, I'am not leaving her side."Teo says while looking me in the eyes. This kid is different from all my friends someone I would allow to date her.. What am I saying!! "Okay then the rest go home and go to school tomorrow, I'll let everyone know when she wakes up." I say while holding up my pinky finger. They all shake there head okay and walk over one at a time and kiss her forehead goodbye then leave all together. "Noona it's Zelo you gotta wake up I don't think I'll be able to live without you here.. Always smiling no matter what which makes me smile too, so please don't go it's not your time.." Zelo says while crying and rubbing her leg.. "I know we just met but I feel like I've known you forever.. When I walked into this mornings class and you looked scared all I wanted to do was make you smile and protect you from all the people staring and giving you looks.. I'am glad I made you smile and I'am happy that you asked me for help, no one ever ask for help from me they just want to use me for my money and good grades but you... I can just tell you where different the way you cared about your brother and Zelo I saw it when you talked about them, so wake up I wanna see that smile again. Okay?" Teo says while kissing her hand with a tear falling along too. I was right he is the one for her.. Now just wake up so I can tell you that I love you and I have found your future husband.  God what is wrong with me! What is this what am I saying!

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