Chapter Six

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Chapter Six


I got home earlier then I should be so if my mom is home I'll be dead.. I walk in and she just stands there glaring me down, "why are you home early!" My mom screams. "The people who put me in the hospital where bullying me all day.." I say while just falling too the floor not able to move but just cry. "Awh love.. I was thinking all day and the high school next to yours is a good school and I already talk to the school and yours, they think it would be best for you to go there." She said low while holding me. "I think it would be best.." I say low. "Okay let's go up there and talk to your school before it closes." She says while helping me up and grabbing her keys. We get to the school and walk towards the office but all I kept hearing was people screaming "whore" "slut" "bitch" "go to hell" I felt so ashamed that my mother had to hear all of them.. "Mom what's going on?" I hear someone say from the side of us and see my brother, I look up at my mother to see tears in her eyes while looking up at my brother. "She's moving schools today." She says then walks off into the office and slams the door in our face. "What's wrong with her?" Daehyun asks while looking down at me he saw a tear fall. "She had too hear everyone while we walked in.. She must be ashamed of me.." I say while starting too walk away going to my locker. "Miyoung wait!" Daehyun screams chasing after me. I open my locker and trash falls out and everyone starts laughing at me, "yah! Who did this to my noona!" I hear Zelo scream behind me, I start picking up everything and all they where people's writings telling me to die, go to hell and other things. "Will clean it up stop reading the writing." YoungJae says while pulling me away and handed me to Hongki. "It's okay.. Everything will work out.." He says low. "I just want to say thank you to you all but this is the last day you'll have to take care of me." I say then bow and walk away leaving them all shocked and scared.

I walk to the office hearing foot step stomping behind me, I walk into the front off and see my mother and a teacher I've never seen talking. "Oh miyoung this will be your teacher at the new school." She says with a smile. "Oh nice to meet you." I say while bowing towards her. "You will start in two days cause you have to get a new class suite, and the paperwork has to go throw." She says with a smile. "Okay that's fine." I say while smiling at her really unsure if I'll be okay away from everyone I love. "You'll be in good hands plus your grades are amazing and your a good student." She says patting my head. "Where still not leaving you!" I hear someone say at the door and turn to see my brother and everyone. "Will pick you up for school and walk you there and wait everyday at the front to make sure you get home safe!"YongGuk says with a smile. "Make sure you have a good lunch and eat it!" L.Joe says while holding up his thumb. "Makes sure no one hurts noona anymore." Zelo says while grabbing my hand. "And to make sure you still remember that we all love you." YoungJae says while grabbing my other hand. "Also to make sure you don't forget your best friends." Hongki says while starting to cry a little. "You guys are amazing.. I just thinking moving would be best cause you guys getting in fights everyday cause of me hurts me cause I don't want anything too happen too you all, but I promise we will see each everyday and every weekend." I say while whipping away my happy tears. "Thank you all for taking care of my baby.. I will make you all dinner this weekend how does that sound?" My mom says while smiling big. "Sounds great!" They all say. "Come on I'll buy everyone ice cream!" YongGuk says while walking out, "really hyung! Your paying??" Zelo screams chasing after him. I look at my mom and she waves me off to go I smile and start following last, but when I leave the office I get something wet and sticky thrown at me and I hear everyone laughing. "That's my good bye present for the school slut!" Sara screams and then laughs. "Mi Mi! Are you okay!" I look over to see Daehyun talking to me but I couldn't move.. "Sara! My office! Your parents are on there way along with the cops!" The head principle screams while dragging her inside. "Noona here let me clean your face." Zelo says while cleaning it he see I'am crying so he pulls me in for a hug and all I do is grab on to his back and cry hard. "Oh my god Miyoung love! Come on let's get you all to the house and cleaned up. I look and see Daehyun, Zelo and L.Joe all have purple goo on them along with me,"I'am sorry you go it on you." I say low. "We were trying to block it but were to late so where sorry."L.Joe says while looking everyone. "Come on everyone in the van!" My mother screams, while walking out I see Himchan with a sad face and mouth "we need to talk text me." I give him a weird face, "please Mi." He mouths again. "Maybe." I say out loud then kept walking.

We finally all got cleaned up and everyone was waiting for dinner so we where in my room watching a movie when my phone rings, I didn't look at the name cause my ringtone was loud "hello?" I say while walking out of the room and into my brothers room. "You really answered." The person says. "Who is this?" I say looking at the phone to see *Himchan pig*"Why did you call?" I say low. "Ah you didn't look at the name till just now huh? Well I called too say I am sorry and I only dated Sara cause she said if I didn't turn on you then she would jump you again.. Miyoung you know I couldn't stand you in the hospital the first time and for it to happen again I couldn't allow.. Please understand all the guys knew this that's why they all turned on you well some did.. Just ask them please Jongup has been kicking himself for the way he treated you please just ask." Himchan say everything and I kinda believe him.. Remembering the way he ran to me first when I woke up. "Okay.. I'll ask.. Then text you later." I say about to hang up when he talks again. "We never stopped wanting you to be ours." Then he hung up, I get up and walk into my room the pause the movie "what happen!" Everyone screamed then looked at me, "we need to talk." I say while looking at everyone. "Hongki you can sit on the bed your safe. You guys all knew she threaded me to get jumped again, that's why Himchan and Jongup turned on me and so did you at the start." I say looking at them all hard. "L.Joe and Zelo didn't know.. Only the rest of us did."Daehyun says while looking down. "Then they should be here too!" I scream and walk out just leaving the house with no one knowing.

I'am sitting at the lake I came to a few times and got lost, "why is noona here this late?" I look up too see Changjo smiling and sitting next to me, "I had to get away from drama today. You?" I ask while throwing a rock in the water. "Ah..well I have family trouble and this is the best way to get away." He says with a fake smile,I shake my head okay knowing it wasn't my place to ask. "Oh I was gonna call you and tell you but since your here I can tell you in person, in two days I will be starting at your school." I say with a big smile. "Really!?" Changjo says with much excitement. I shake my head yes and just smile feeling happy for once. "Yay! I'll stick too noona like glue then and make sure you stay clear of popular kids." He says while laughing knowing that's how everything started. "That would be best." I say smiling. "What time is it?" I ask while forgetting I left my phone at home. "10 at night." He says. "Oh god can I use your phone!" I ask while freaking out. He hands me his phone and I call my brother "hello?" He answers in a pissed off tone. "Just stay home I'am fine I fell asleep at the lake and will be home soon." I say as claim as I could so he wouldn't be pissed off more. "Damn Miyoung we have been out since 9 looking for you! I told you never leave your phone at home! Where close by just wait." He says then hangs up. "Thanks sorry I forgot my phone." I says while handing him his phone back. "Miyoung!" I hear Daehyun scream. "Oppa!" I scream and they start walking over. "Yah! What are you two doing together!" L.Joe screams while walking in between us. "Just learning how to stick close too noona since we now go to school together." Changjo say with a smirk looking at L.Joe. "Nope this won't work!" L.Joe screams, "yah! He's sweet so be nice!" I say loud while slapping his arm. "Well if your her only friend there please take care of her, or her oppa's will be on your butt." Daehyun say with a big smile. "I'am sorry my older brother likes to joke." I say while glaring at him. "It's okay I'll treat her as my older sister!" Changjo say while giving everyone the two thumbs up. "Thanks." Everyone says at the same time. "Well I'll see you in two days. Bye!" I say while being dragged home by a very unhappy L.Joe.. But what's new he won't be happy till I'am his again.

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