Chapter Two

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(Chapter Two)

It was the next day, my mom made me stay home from school but I'm so bored, I turn on the tv and then I hear rocks being thrown at my window. "What the hell?" I ask myself while walking up to the window seeing Hongki with food, I run downstairs fast and open the door. "Oppa! Food!" I scream while only worrying about the food. "Yah! Hi Oppa or oh my gosh Oppa, thank you so much I was dying from not eating all day." Hongki says while laughing at me shove my face. "Sorry thanks!" I say then go back to eating. *Knock Knock* we both look at the front door then hear keys opening it, "You're mom sure is home early." Hongki says. "No, She said she would be late," I say standing up too check but the door opens and I see all the devils.. "Yah! It's called knocking or not coming at all!" I scream walking over to the group of smiling guys. "Ah, yes but I need to introduce you to the group." Himchan says while pointing at the guys. "You're our girl now." Jongup says with a smirk. "First, we have on this side YoungJae, Jongup, and Zelo," Himchan was cut off by Zelo "Hi noona, were gonna have a blast and I won't make you do crazy thing except go on dates with me," Zelo was saying but gets pulled back by Daehyun "Yah, watch what you say!" He says in a low tone. "Okay, you know him," Himchan says pointing too Daehyun. "Yes, sadly," I say low but he just glares at me. "Okay! This is YongGuk and last is L.Joe." I just look up at him and he just smiles sweetly like he always has. "Okay, great she met you all you can leave." Hongki says in a snapping voice while looking at L.Joe. "Okay, we will but we have rules, one, you are all of ours doesn't make you a slut we just miss hanging out with girls who don't wanna date us," YoungJae says with a smile. "Two, if you try and date someone while being ours you and him are dead," Jongup says with a smile. "That won't be a problem cause you haven't dated anyone since L.J--," Daehyun was saying but I shoved him into the wall hard. "Watch yourself!" I scream at him but L.Joe pulls me off him and I pull him arms off me fast. "Yah! Rule number three, don't beat us up or you'll get it ten times worse," Himchan say with a big smile. "Fine! But I have rules! One, if I get bullied at school cause of this one of your asses better be there to help me! Two, don't ever come to my house in the morning I punch when I get woken up. Three, I will do what I want when in a situation that has to do with a couple. Got it?" I say looking at all of them. "Okay, noona!!" Zelo says with a smile. "Wow, I really don't understand why all the girls are scared of you?" YoungJae asks sarcastically. "Okay, we will follow each other's rules, now get some rest we want that pretty face too heal now," Himchan says while walking out the door with all the guys except one. "First time I get too see you in years and your face is hurt, "L.Joe says while rubbing his hand across my face. "Yah! You stay away from her or your hands will end up broken," Daehyun says in a deep voice. "Fine, only for today though," L.Joe says walking away. I look at Daehyun and then down "Thanks, Oppa. But over my dead body will I be yours." I say then start laughing. "Ugh, you're such an idiot!" He screams while walking out the front door.

[A Week Later]

I was all ready for school and I looked like a real girl for the first time in years, hair and make-up all done up pretty. Another one of the rules I always have to look cute. I walk up to my brothers door and bang on it. "What!" He screams. He opens it and I fake being girly "Oppa, do I look cute?" I ask in a girly voice. "Yah! You are not my sister!! mom!!! I think I hit her harder than we thought!" Daehyun screams. "Idiot!" I scream while walking down stairs and out the door. I start walking to school when someone grabs my hand and starts walking. I look up to see Himchan smiling while walking to school. "Yah, let go." I say while trying to shake his hand out of mine. "Good morning, love, you look--" Himchan was saying but gets cut off. "Like a girl today."Jongup says while the rest laugh. "I hate you." I say low. "Be nice to her or I'll give someone else your day," Himchan says and Jongup shuts up fast. "Day, what do you mean day?" I ask. "Well, noona everyday someone will have you except Sunday we all get you!" Zelo says while grabbing my other hand. "Okay, who has me first?" I ask another question. "Himchan won." Daehyun says low. I just shake my head slowly. We got to school and I walked a different way to my locker and Himchan just let's it go cause he had to do the same. I grab my stuff and go to the courtyard and sit at a bench when a group of girls walk up to me. "We saw you this morning with our Oppa's! You have no right to be near them, if you wanna get another black eye then keep it up!" Girl A screams at me. "She's ugly, don't worry." Girl B says. "Miyoung, are these girls bullying you?" I look up and see Himchan and Zelo. I just shake my head and look down, I know I'm not pretty but being told so hurts. "Yah! You better leave our girl alone!" Himchan screams at them. Zelo comes and sits next to me "noona, it's okay your prettier than any of those clowns." I just start laughing and the girl start getting pissed off more. I see Daehyun walking over "I told you stay two miles away from her didn't I?" He says while grabbing Zelo and dragging him away from me. "No, Hyung, I don't remember." Zelo says while trying to act cute. "Watch your back 'cause your dead." Girl A says before walking away. I just stand up but then get shoved by another girl but a person behind me stops me from falling. I look behind me and see Jongup "Keep messing with her if you want to end up with a black eye too!" He screams at the group of girls.

We're in class and I'm in the back and Himchan is sitting in front of me while Hongki beside me. "Did you ask your brother yet?" Hongki says while looking around so no one hears him, but Himchan and YoungJae are both listening. "Oh my god, I forgot my mom is going out of town so she doesn't care but he might. I'll write a note just hand it to the idiot," I say while giving it too Hongki to hand over but I see Himchans eyes watching. "Stop, I'm being watched and no one in the school knows we're blood related, remember?" I say looking back at the broad. "Okay, just talk to him after class." Hongki says I just shake my head okay. The bell rung and I sent a text to him and starting walking when Himchan grabbed my hand. "So, where are we going?" He asks while swing our hands. "I have to go meet someone real quick." I say trying to pull away but not getting far. "Okay, let's go!" He says while walking with me still. "Shit," I mumble low. He just looks at me and I just smile big, I see Daehyun with Zelo. I walk up to Daehyun and stop "Here is my stop." I say while grabbing Daehyuns arm. "Um, stop touching me." He says in a low voice. "Okay," I say low and let go. "What did you want during class?" He asks in front of everyone. "Hongki wanted to ask if he could stay at your house since your mom is going out of town with his?" I say kinda lost in my own question. "No," He says low. "Oppa, please?" I ask in a cute baby voice which always works. "Fine!" He screams walking away. I turn around and see all the guys watching me. "What?" I ask. "He says no to everyone," Jongup says. "You're a different kinda girl," YoungJae says. "I like it!" Zelo says while grabbing my arm. "Um, Thanks I think," I say walking away from the group slowly.


He looks at everyone "How long have we known Daehyun?" He says out loud. "All four years of high school. Why?"YongGuk asks. "'Cause Miyoung said she would ask her brother if Hongki could stay the night with them in class. But, then changes it to if he can stay at Daehyuns place," I say looking at all the guys. "Have we ever been too his house in all these years?" Zelo asks. "Umm,I don't think so??" Jongup says while sitting there thinking. Well I guess I know where we're going this weekend. Plus Daehyun has Miyoung on Saturday," I say with a smirk on my face.

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