Lost in Japan

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Author's Note:

Written for Dr-Cokebottles because she voted for more Diyue fluffiness. Lafyue, Cee!  💕

Title of the story is based on the song "Lost in Japan" by Shawn Mendes, the lyrics of which I feel fit Didi and Yue very well. Please look it up if you don't know it and let me know whether you feel the same. 😊

As always... don't forget to keep the faith! 💜💛

Thanks for reading.


Dylan peered covertly around a mannequin dressed in a trendy UNIQLO green track suit and let out a quick sigh of relief. The lone person who recognized him was nowhere to be found; his ninja moves were too good. He must have lost that person somewhere in front of the store.

Stealth as a tiger, Dylan backed up against the wall to his right and nodded at his companion who tipped his hat back in response and held up 10 fingers. Dylan rolled his eyes but flashed him a quick thumbs up. He only had 10 minutes and he was going to make damn sure it counted.

Quickly doing one last check to make sure no one was following him, Dylan bounded purposefully over to the dressing room area and started counting. One... two.. three... on and on he went until he finally got to number eight. Smiling, he pulled down his mask and knocked on the door.

Five quick taps with his knuckles.

Two quick taps with his knuckles.

And a thump with his closed fist.

The door immediately swung open and his entire body was hauled in before he even had a chance to react. The door slammed shut, the lock pushed in place, but he had nothing to do it with it; he was already drowning in a pair of familiar brown eyes.

"Hi-" he began but his mouth was suddenly too busy to finish his sentence as he was pushed against the closed door and kissed senseless.

Dylan didn't know how many minutes he was out for the count, but he didn't care. All he knew was that her mouth was on his, she was kissing him as if she never wanted to stop, and his entire body was exploding with love and need. The electricity ricocheted off of their bodies and he was completely lost. His arms automatically tightened around her waist before one hand roamed up her back and tangled in her silky hair. Who needed oxygen anyway, right? It was overrated compared to this heady feeling. He never wanted it to end.

She finally tore her mouth from his and he unconsciously groaned in protest. As if to make up for the loss, she pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek and smiled at him. His breathing labored and heart still pounding, Dylan quirked an eyebrow at her. "I wasn't hoping to end with that." She smacked him in the arm and he pretended to rub the pain away. She wasn't fooled.

"Hi," Yue finally said, her eyes twinkling. "Took you long enough."

"Ninja moves require patience, darling. But you know that, don't you? You did teach me after all." Dylan's eyes lit up as he caught sight of the black object hanging on the collar of her shirt. "Nice sunglasses."

Yue put them on and modeled them for him, her hair swinging gently as her head moved from left to right. "Thanks, my boyfriend bought them for me."

"Your boyfriend's got good taste."

"Of course, he's dating me."

Dylan grinned. She was being sassy and feisty and completely adorable today. He couldn't help it; he slowly backed her up against the mirror until there was no space left between their bodies. Yue's breathing quickened as he gazed down at her, his fingers lightly brushing against her cheek before slowly moving down and grazing the back of her neck. Tugging at her nape, Dylan slowly bent his head and Yue rose on her tip toes to meet him. Fireworks went off as their mouths met again, this time the kiss starting out slow before building up to a crescendo as his tongue sought out hers and she welcomed it with a quiet moan.

"Shhhhh..." he whispered between kisses.

"You shhhhh..." she whispered back defiantly.

A questioning look flashed across his face. "I'm not saying any..."

Dylan was suddenly aware that her warm hands were now under his shirt and quickly moving upwards from his waist towards his neck as her lips claimed his once again. He bit back the moan that was desperate to escape his mouth, trying to remove her hands before she drove him insane. But he didn't nickname her Strong Strong for no reason, and he was helpless as he gave in to her gentle ministrations, his body on fire, his mind and his heart completely lost in this one girl and the all-consuming kiss she was brandishing on him.

They finally, finally pulled apart and held onto each other tightly as they waited for their breathing to even out.

"We have three minutes left before someone comes looking for us," Dylan said, glancing at his watch.

The sadness and disappointment she heard in his voice tugged at Yue's heartstrings. Determined to cheer him up, she gave him a bright smile. "Then you better start trying on all of the clothes that I picked out for you."

Dylan peered around her and finally noticed the pile of clothing stacked under her purse. "I don't want to try them on without you." He couldn't help but pout a little.

"If I stay here, you'll never finish trying them on."

"Good, then we never have to leave."

Yue didn't even try to fight it as her heart melted at this clingy side of him... who could resist that face?

"Don't be like that. If you're a good boy, you can try them on for me later tonight."

Dylan's eyes brightened. Tonight? Wasn't she going back to her hometown this afternoon? She caught the hopeful look on his face and rolled her eyes.

"You get me for one more night and then I really have to go home, Wang He Di. People will start to notice that I'm not where I'm supposed to be."

Yue couldn't help but giggle as he threw his arms around her and kissed her happily. When Dylan finally let her go, he handed her the pink-colored purse before scooping up the entire pile of clothes that she had picked out.

"What are you doing?" she asked, amused by the various items that were falling onto the floor from the massive pile in his arms.

"Buying everything, of course."

She gaped at him. "Wang He Di, don't be ridiculous."

"You make me ridiculous."

"How did I make you ridiculous?"

"Obviously, the more clothes I buy, the more you'll have to watch me put something on and take it off. I like the idea of that." He winked flirtatiously at her and was rewarded with a smack to the head.

Laughingly, Dylan dumped the entire pile of clothes unceremoniously onto the floor and hauled her into his arms again. "I can't wait to see you later," he whispered, pressing a kiss to her temple before resting his chin on top of her head.

Yue pulled slightly away, looking up at him with bright eyes. "Me too."

"Kiss you later?"

"Kiss you later."

He bent down to retrieve the fallen clothes but she shooed him off, promising she would take care of it.

As Yue watched Dylan quietly slip out of the dressing room, she couldn't help the happiness warming her heart and slowly spreading through her entire body.

Damn, she loved Japan.

One day, they were going to return here together. They would walk the crowded streets hand-in-hand, sample all the foods, and spend hours admiring the cherry blossoms. He would buy a bunch of anime figurines and she would purchase adorable Doraemon stationary. And they wouldn't care who saw them.

She was as certain of that as she was certain that she loved him more than anything else in the entire world.

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