After the Show

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Author's Note:

Written for Meggyhashope and auroraloey. Keep the faith, ladies!

P.S. Rosmiwrites wrote a wonderful one-shot of Didi and Yue getting ready for and eventually walking the red carpet called "Red Carpet Mood." Please check it out - she's a wonderful writer and her story offers yet another perspective of our favorite couple from yesterday! 


Yue waited impatiently as the elevator quickly ascended to the 8th floor. The second the steel doors opened, she kicked off her heels and tugged up the overly long gown she was wearing as she took off running down the familiar hallway.

Please be there, please be there, please be there.

She skidded to a stop right outside the door to her apartment. Leaning her ear against the door, she tried to make out any sound from the other side. Her heart sank a little when she heard nothing but silence.

Resignedly, Yue dug into the gold clutch she was carrying and fished about for her keys until she found them. She unlocked the door and stepped inside, her mind working overtime trying to figure out whether she should call him or she should leave him be for the night.

She stopped short when she saw the faint light emitting from the kitchen. Did he come?

"Di?" she called out as she dropped her heels and clutch and made her way to the kitchen.

Her heart skipped a beat when she saw Dylan's familiar figure standing in front of the stove, the sleeves of his white dress shirt rolled up to reveal his tan forearms, her apron tied about his waist. He was so handsome she could hardly breathe.

"Hi," she said softly from the entryway. He only grunted in response, purposefully focused on the ramen he was making in a small pot. Yue bit her lip as she tried to read his mood. Was he upset at their agencies for forcing them to act distant at the award show earlier, or was it possible that he was upset with her for agreeing to put up the farce? Her heart ached when she remembered the brief flash of hurt on his face when she had deliberately ignored his hand as he tried to assist her down the stairs.

Yue made her way towards him and slowly wrapped her arms around his waist from behind, leaning close as she rubbed her cheek against his back.

"Are you mad?" she whispered, tightening her hold on him.

"Yes," he responded immediately, but his tone lacked any real anger.

Yue smiled. "You can't be that mad, I see two bowls for the ramen."

Dylan turned around and gazed at her, his face expressionless. "I plan on eating both of those bowls by myself."

She pretended to look scandalized. "You would never!" The corner of his lips twitched but still no smile.

Reaching around and turning off the stove, she gently tugged him into the living room and made him sit on the yellow couch. She curled her legs under her as she leaned against his side and wrapped an arm around his waist. He was silent, but she could almost hear the wheels turning in his head so she waited quietly until he was ready to speak.

"I'm tired of this, Yue." His voice was so sad that it made her want to cry. She had expected the words, but not the way in which he spoke them.

"It's just for a few more years. They're being extra cautious right now. 'Another Me' is coming out soon and you have promotion for 'Ever Night' in a few months. They don't want gossip."

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