Another Day

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"Ow... OW! OW! OW!"

Dylan hissed loudly as the pungent smell of Tiger Balm made an unwelcomed invasion into his sensitive nostrils and the pain in his ankle flared up viciously. Yue shot him a stern look as she continued her not-so-gentle machinations, massaging the ointment deep into the ugly purple bruise that was now spreading across the lower part of his foot, and he smiled sheepishly at her.

She glared at him. "I told you not to take that badminton game with Xi Ze so seriously."

"I had to, we did a video blog!"

"You KNOW he's played since he was 12!"

"I thought I could take him!"

"But did you have to challenge him to basketball after you lost? Your ankle only recently got better!"

Dylan bit his lip guiltily - she had a point. He had injured himself during Super Penguin and his ankle had been tweaked ever since. Wary of his upcoming filming schedule for Our Southwest United University, she'd warn him repeatedly this morning to wear high tops and to take it easy in his badminton game with Xi Ze but he had been careless. It was in his nature to compete at the highest level so he had played with the same vigor, enthusiasm and athleticism he usually played and of course he had re-aggravated his injury.

"Okay, okay... I'm sorry. I promise to be more careful next time." Dylan's tone was conciliatory as he stole a glance at her grim face.

Yue didn't respond to his apology as she placed an ice pack on his ankle and wrapped a large Ace bandage around it to hold it in place.


Dylan's guilt doubled when she remained silent, her worried gaze lingering over his injury even as she pretended to be busy cleaning up the medical supplies. He knew a million thoughts were currently running through her pretty little head, and all of them were related to him - how long until his ankle was back to normal, would his injury affect filming on his next drama, probably if he would ever walk normally again (she had an active imagination). Sighing, he reached out and pulled her down next to him on the couch.

"It only hurts a little," he reassured her, leaning back on the couch and lacing their fingers together.

"Maybe it should hurt more so next time you'd think twice about your injured ankle before going into Super Didi mode."

Dylan winced at her severe words even though her tone was mild. He knew he had caused her unnecessary anxiety and it was suddenly imperative that he erase that frown on her face. 

"Want to see how bad Xi Ze whooped me in badminton?" he asked teasingly. His smile widened when he saw the corners of her soft lips tug upwards.

"Only if it was really, really bad."

"Oh, I promise it's downright embarrassing."

The smile on Yue's face warmed his heart as he asked her to help grab his bag so he can access his phone. Yue walked over to the table and picked up a small black and tan Coach canvas bag covered with large circles encircling zig zag lines that resembled a T-Rex's cavernous mouth.

"Nice bag," she said playfully as she tossed it at him.

Dylan caught the bag easily and flashed her a grin. "Thanks, my girlfriend got it for me."

"She's not very original if you ask me. Buying Dylan a Dylan bag."

Playful humor flashed in his eyes as he contemplated her sly look and waved her over as if he had a secret to divulge. Curious as to how he would respond, Yue played along and leaned down closer until his smiling mouth was right next to her ear.

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