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It was a sweltering day. The kind where simmering, humid heat rose from the scorching ground and stole whatever breathable air there was outside. Patrons of the little obscure café on Sina Street naturally took refuge indoor with their foods and drinks. Only one lone figure sat on the far right end of an outdoor patio deck, her face partially obscured by the large striped umbrella yawning over the tiny white table.

Yue ran her forehead lightly across the cool condensation clinging to her glass of lemonade before taking a sip, letting the icy, tangy liquid slide comfortingly down her parched throat. Glancing down at the fashionable Gucci watch that adorned her slim wrist, she wryly noted the time.

He was late.

For someone who was surprisingly always on time when it came to her, this was very unlike him. The situation was often reversed; she tended to be the one who frequently ran behind schedule, generally due to one misplaced item or another, and he was the one usually hiding in a clandestine corner waiting for her with an iced Americano in one hand and a tender, exasperated smile resting on his lips.

At the thought of seeing him again, a tender, exasperated smile now rested on her lips as the sweet, familiar ache – part excitement, part yearning, but always full of love – slowly encompassed her. Every minute he wasn't here meant a minute less they would get to spend together, but none of that mattered. Because for every single moment they were together, it was all worth it.

So no, she wasn't upset. In fact, she was very, very excited. Her new drama was performing extremely well; she was down seven pounds and looking very slim; and for the first time in a very long time, she was trending on Weibo for her acting talent and not her controversial looks. She felt beautiful, she felt accomplished and most important of all, she felt confident... everything had fallen into place, just like she knew it would one day, and she was finally ready.

To say yes.

To go public.

With him.

She could already imagine the look on his face. The happiness and joy that he emitted so effortlessly would be shining directly at her. In fact, it had taken every ounce of sheer will she could muster not to blurt it out over the phone so she could experience his reaction in person. Because no one could light up a room with his smile the way Wang He Di can.

Somehow, she managed to resist the overwhelming urge to squeal out loud in happiness.

"Sh-en Yu-eeeeee!"

She heard him before she even saw him, but that didn't stop her heart from skipping a beat like it always did when he was near. A rough-tender kiss landed gently on top of her head and she couldn't help but close her eyes and take in his familiar scent and warm presence. It lingered deliciously even as he plopped himself easily into the chair across from her. She quickly wiped her face clean of expression and eyed him with feigned annoyance.

"You're late," she said accusingly.

A charming grin appeared as he leaned forward, his handsome face scant inches from hers. "I know. I'm sorry. Filming for the variety show took longer than expected."

"You could have called."

"I thought I could make it on time."

"But you didn't."

"But I could have."

She blinked. "What does that mean?"

Dylan's eyes sparkled mischievously as he leaned back in his seat and pulled something out from his backpack. "It means filming took longer than expected but that's not why I'm late." He placed a small yellow bag on the table and nudged it towards her. "I had to go pick this up first."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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