Chapter 11

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Before this chapter begins I just wanted to mention that there is a slightly steamy scene. There is also mention of some mature things like alcohol and virginity. If it makes you uncomfortable I'm sorry, but they are all teenagers. However, it does not overpower the rest of the chapter. Enjoy your reading!


The night of the party had come and again the girls and I were at my house getting ready. The rest of the week, after the incident, had gone by rather quickly and I was happy it was the weekend again.

I was doing the final touch-ups on my pink lips followed by bold lashes, while Claire was helping Victoria with her hair and Elena was getting dressed in the bathroom.

I had my hair curled in waves flowing down my back. I was wearing my snakeskin mini skirt, a black sheer, long sleeved, shirt with a black crop top, bralette type thing underneath it. I paired it with black heels and to say I was serving looks was an understatement.

Claire had her hair straight and was wearing a red bodycon dress that hugged her figure very nicely. Victoria was wearing a red leather skirt and a black long sleeve, tight turtleneck with her hair waved. Elena wore a tight black mini dress with her hair in a high ponytail.

Considering that everyone would be at this party, we had to make sure that our outfits would be the center of attention for the night.

We headed out for the party. Leo had told me he had some business to take care of, so he was just gonna meet me at the party. I had one of my dad's drivers drop us off so we wouldn't have to worry about driving back home tired or anything.

When we got to the party, it seemed like everything was already in full swing. The music was loud and there were quite a lot of people on the lawn considering that it was freezing outside.

The four of us quickly walked inside, only to be greeted by bodies everywhere. However, space cleared in the center for us to walk through as soon as people saw us there. We went into the kitchen where the drinks and food were being held. There was all kinds of booze everywhere, but I opted out and decided to stick to my water for a little bit.

We were hanging out before Justin walked in with Vince beside him.

"Hey ladies," Justin said looking slightly intoxicated already.

I laughed, "Hey Justin, nice party."

"Thank you, Aria, and thank you ladies for showing up. Leonardo should be coming here shortly, but in the meantime help yourself to some drinks," he gestured to the large island covered in every kind of alcohol possible.

Claire smirked, "We'll keep that in mind, why don't you fix me up a drink Justin?"

Justin's eyes widened as did everyone else's. I knew that Claire thought Justin was cute, but I didn't know she was going to pursue him tonight.

"Lead the way, Claire," he said smirking at Claire. She looked at us with a huge smile on her face before grabbing Justin's hand and walking away with him.

I laughed quietly to myself before looking back at the other girls. However, Vince walked up to our group before interrupting, "Sorry ladies, but Victoria, would you like to dance?"

My mouth dropped open yet again, I didn't know that Vince had a crush on Victoria and by the look of shock on her face, she didn't either.

Victoria blushed, "Yeah, let's go." They walked away into the living room that had become the dance floor.

It was just me and Elena before she saw some friends she knew and went to say hi to them. I was standing alone, fixing myself a drink when I felt arms wrap around my waist.

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