Chapter 27

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listen to sign of the times by harry styles towards the end of the chapter, it helped me write the ending 


I was happy to see that no one else dressed up as a devil and angel, even though they are definitely classic costumes. I was also happy to see that everyone who attended the party went all out as well.

Everyone seemed to be having a good time from what I could tell just looking around the room. I noticed our little group standing by one of the tables so I pulled Leo along with me over to them. Claire and Justin were dressed up as a cheerleader and a jock. Victoria and Vince decided to be a Nun and Priest. Meanwhile, Elena and Margot dressed up in the signature plaid outfits from the movie Clueless. Damon and his date from Leo's party, Crystal, were dressed as lifeguards. I was thoroughly impressed with everyone's outfits.

"Aria, holy crap those wings are epic," Elena gushed when we walked up to the group. She stuck her hand out to touch the feathers and I couldn't blame her, they were incredibly soft.

"Thank you, you all look amazing," I gushed at them.

"Happy birthday by the way," Victoria said, before everyone else followed by saying 'Happy Birthday' as well.

"It's crazy, I'm officially an adult," I said, proud of the accomplishment of managing to stay alive for eighteen years. I didn't feel much different, but just knowing that I was eighteen made me feel grown.

"Have you seen the gifts table, it's like seriously overflowing," Justin said, pointing over to the table where it was in fact overflowing.

My eyes widened, "Holy crap, why is there so much?"

"Because people like you Aria," Claire said shrugging.

"I suppose."

"Anyways, I feel like there's a lot of people here that I don't recognize," Vince said which I frowned at.

"I only invited people from school, and no one was able to get in without their name on the list," I said, looking to Leo to see if he knew anything.

"It's probably just because we only hang out with each other. I mean in the halls I used to see new faces every day," Claire said, easing my mind because she was right. It was a big school, but I knew everyone that I invited including their plus ones. There was no way anyone could've gotten through security without their names on the list.

"Everything's fine sweetheart, there weren't any problems with security. I made sure to check beforehand," Leo said, comforting my stressed mind.

After the events that took place when Leo and I were shopping, I was still wary of everyone around me. The problem with the Russians was still unsolved, so I would rather be safe than sorry regarding who was allowed to enter my house.

"Let's just enjoy the night and have a good time. I only get to turn eighteen once," I joked with them.

"Amen to that sis," Elena said raising her drink.

After that, I went and talked to my parents as well as Leo's. They were mingling with the older crowd, but they still decided to dress up. My mom was a nurse, while my father was a doctor. Steven dressed up as a mobster, while Sofia dressed like a mob wife. I guess like father like son.

"Happy birthday sweetheart," Sofia said pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back, thanking her before I was pulled into a hug by Steven.

"Happy eighteenth birthday Aria, it's a big day for you!" he smiled at me.

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