Chapter 15

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Sleeping next to Leo had to be one of the best nights of sleep I had ever had in my life. That was until the sounds of voices in the room got louder and louder, and someone was shaking me awake.

"What?" I groaned keeping my head lodged into the pillow. "Let me sleep."

I heard a deep chuckle, "Sweetheart, our parents are here."

My head shot up and I looked at both of our parents that were watching me in amusement. I wiped some of the drool on my off with the sleeve of my hoodie and cleared my throat.

"Good morning everyone," I said squinting my eyes at the bright light that my eyes weren't accustomed to yet.

"Good morning indeed Aria, did you sleep well?" Sofia asked me with a large smile on her face.

"I did thank you, now if you'll excuse me while I go crawl up in a corner and die of embarrassment," I told them all trying to get off the bed, but Leo held onto my hand not allowing me to. All the parents in the room laughed, clearing enjoying how uncomfortable I was by them seeing me lay next to their son.

"What time is it?" I asked Leo.

"It's about nine, how did you sleep baby?" he asked me, his thumb caressing the back of my hand.

I sighed, "Honestly, I slept amazing. How about you?"

"Best nights sleep I've ever gotten, I could get used to waking up with your snores and you sleeping on top of me," he smirked.

"I did neither of those things," I blushed and tried to defend myself. I do not snore, but maybe I did end up on top of him throughout the night. I couldn't help it, I guess I liked to cuddle.

He let out a small chuckle, "Oh sweetheart, you snore. It's cute though."

I just rolled my eyes, but I couldn't wipe off the smile I had on my face or stop the blush that continued to grow on my cheeks. I returned my attention back to our parents.

"Aria honey, we should be heading back soon," my mom had a sad smile on her face.

Any happiness I was feeling immediately left me and instead I was faced with the sad fact that I would have to leave Leo.

"Yeah, okay," I muttered, not sure if she even heard me.

"Can you all give Aria and I a minute alone to say goodbye?" Leo asked our parents.

Steven spoke up, "Sure, we'll be waiting outside."

They all left the room and I avoided eye contact with Leo at all costs. That was until I felt his hand under my chin, lifting my head so he could see my eyes.

"What's wrong little one?" He asked me. He had a frown on his face, and the moment a tear fell out of my eye, I saw a flash of anger in his.

"I don't want to leave you yet Leo. I was so scared only a day ago that you wouldn't make it, and now that you're here with me, I have to leave you again. It's not fair," I stated, my mouth quivering as I did so.

"Baby, listen to me. There will come a time in the future where we can be together with each other 24/7 if we want to. Until then, we have to work with what we have. I will come back home to you, I promise. I will be discharged from the hospital in two days and then I'll be spending another 2 days here in Italy in one of our houses to make sure that everything is okay. Then, I'll be on my way home to you where you can nurse me back to health all day, every day if you want to," he grinned at me, trying to brighten my mood, which it did because just seeing Leo's smile made me feel better.

"Okay, so four days. You better call and text me meanwhile," I said sternly, poking his chest.

"Of course baby," he pulled my arms into him so that we were hugging. I held on tightly, not wanting to let him go.

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