| Three. |

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"Good morning, Ari," Rikki cooed, stretching her muscles as she walked over to Arika's pack and play and scooped her into her arms. "My baby girl is a big girl now, sleeping in her own bed all night, huh?"

Rikki puckered her lips, showering her daughter in affection as she repeatedly gave the little girl kisses to the cheek. It wasn't often that Arika slept in her own bed throughout the night, but when she did, Rikki always had to show her gratitude for it. Arika groaned in response, pushing Rikki's head out the way as she tried to stare at the TV on the wall behind them.

Rikki turned her head, glancing at the 32 inch television behind her. "Spongebob? Mommy loves this show. Can I watch it with you?"

Rikki watched as her daughter shook her head, nibbling on her fingers as her eyes stayed glued to the TV. Rikki smiled, carrying Arika over to her bed with her and watching SpongeBob rip his pants before she felt a vibration coming from her nightstand. She grabbed her cell phone, glancing at the phone call before she hopped up from her seat.

"Ari, hold on. Mommy has a phone call. I'll be right back." She told the little girl, before answering the phone and walking out into the hallway. "Hello?"

She recognized the other voice immediately. "Rikki?"

"Hi, Stephen." She blew out, licking her lips lightly.

"Oh, great. You do have the same number. How are you?" He asked, his voice coming off in a calm and mellow tone. Unlike what she was feeling. She wasn't sure how she was supposed to feel speaking to the only man that ever cared for her, and that she in return did dirty. Why was he calling her again?

"I'm okay, what's up with you?" Rikki replied, patting her head through her scarf.

"Nothing, I was just outside getting a cup of coffee when I noticed how lovely the weather is. And I thought to myself, just how lovely it would be to have you accompany me to the park. How does that sound?" Stephen asked.

She was so nervous and shocked with his question, that she even began stuttering. "U-Uh, it sounds great. But I don't have a babysitter for my daughter."

"Oh, that's fine. Bring her, I would love to see her again." She could feel his warm smile on the other line.

"Um, okay." She scratched her head, mentally preparing herself for their meeting.

"Alright, see you in a few." He hung up the phone, causing Rikki to sigh deeply as she tucked the phone back into the pocket of her sweatpants and made her way back inside the room to get ready.


A hour and a half later, she had herself and Arika both dressed and ready for their walk in the park with Stephen. They both climbed out the cab, Rikki reaching into her pocket to pay the man but not before Stephen appeared out of nowhere, passing a crumpled up $10 bill to the driver.

"Keep the change." He smiled, waving the man off as Rikki adjusted Arika on her hip.

"Hey." Stephen turned to her, a small smile on his face.

She nodded, tucking in her lip. "Hi."

"Hey, Arika." He turned to the little girl in Rikki's arms, tickling her stomach before Arika started giggling lowly.

"You remembered her name?" Rikki raised a eyebrow.

"Of course, I did. Why would I forget?" Stephen answered with a question, before leading their way through the park. Rikki and Arika closely following behind. The silence was awkward, before Stephen spoke again. "I don't have much time, but I still wanted to see you. How are things?"

"Today or in general?"

She saw the corners of his mouth form into a small smile. "Both."

"Things could be better, I guess. Motherhood wasn't exactly something I seen myself doing 2 years ago but I'm making it." Rikki scoffed, rolling her eyes as she popped the pacifier into Arika's mouth. Arika quickly spit it back it out, staring at the vanilla ice cream cone Stephen had in his hands that Rikki hadn't even noticed until now.

Stephen stroked his chin like he did when in deep thought. "Ah, same for most women. But once you had her, you didn't want to go back, did you?"

"Not at all." Rikki shook her head, stopping dead in her tracks once she noticed Stephen's outstretched arms.

"Can I hold her?" He questioned, his eyes darting to a quiet but observant Arika in her arms.

"Uh, sure." Rikki answered, passing the little girl over. Arika lifted her head, starting to stir a little but quickly calming down once Stephen began rocking her in his arms.

Rikki watched as her little angel squealed loudly, as Stephen passed her the ice cream. "Got this just for you."

Rikki clapped, shocked at his actions. "Okay! I see. You're a natural."

"Yeah, I guess so." Stephen laughed, starting back on their walk.

"So, what about you? Last time I seen you was..." She paused. Tucking her hands into her capri pants pockets. He knew exactly why she stopped talking.

Stephen softly rubbed Arika's back. "Yeah. After what happened that night, I got closer with Jamie and Lucas."

Rikki swallowed her spit, her eyes darting to the cement. "Oh. Is... Is she still with Luis?"

Stephen shook his head, wiping Arika's mouth with a napkin as she had finished the small amount of ice cream he had put into the cone for her. "It's hard to tell. They don't live together but they still keep in close contact for Lucas."


"Yeah. Things have been the hardest for him. He's 15 now and just acting up in school and stuff. So I'm there for him when Luis can't be." Stephen replied, glancing at the woman standing next to him as Arika now went to playing with his hat.

"Oh, that's sweet of you. Are you still in San Diego?" She retorted, as he slowly licked his own lips.

"No. I'm only down here to visit Lauren since I have so much more free time being superintendent instead of principal." He quickly chirped, stopping to glance at the watch on his wrist.

"Oh, okay. So you did take the offer." Rikki said, obviously not sure on how to respond to him mentioning his fiancée.

He studied the watch again, passing Arika over to her mother. "Yeah. And speaking of her, I'm supposed to pick her up after her movie is over in a few."

Rikki adjusted the little girl, who still had Stephen's hat in her hands. "Alright then. Goodbye."

"Arika, I need my hat back," Stephen chuckled lowly, taking the hat from the toddler and adjusting it on his head. "Would you like me to drop you back off at your place?"

"No, we're okay." Rikki responded, waving him off.

"Alright, well bye, Rikki. Bye Arika." She waved, watching as he walked away and hopped into some fancy car not even a few feet away. She sulked the whole time back to their apartments, deciding in taking a nap along with Arika.

But as soon as she fell asleep, a few hours later, Rikki was waking back up, to the sound of Arika screaming at the top of her lungs. She sat up in the bed, turning to look at her daughter who had the most adorable look of frustration over her face. Rikki shook her head confused, before she processed that Arika was probably screaming from the loud banging that seemed to be coming from the front door.

She stretched, glancing at the clock that read 9:18pm before she climbed out of the bed. She picked up a cranky Arika and swung her over her hip, before dragging her to answer the door along with her. The loud banging continued, causing Rikki to roll her eyes as she made her way throughout her home. "I'm coming, I'm coming..."

She finally reached the front door, pulling it open, and causing her jaw to drop to the floor in complete shock as she saw who it was standing in front of her.


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