| Seven. |

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You know that crazy ass feeling you get when you know shit is about to go down? Well, that's the feeling that sat in the pit of Rikki's stomach as she took a seat at the restaurant Jamie had chosen and waited patiently for her to arrive. Jamie had called her, asking her to come out to eat some lunch, just the two of them alone. And that frightened her.

What did she want to talk about?

They were supposed to meet at some Italian restaurant at 1, and it was only 12:55. Rikki's leg bounced up and down nervously as she sipped her cold glass of water, staring out of the booth window as she awaited for her 'date' to arrive. She shook her head, confused on why she was so nervous in the first place.

It was only Jamie. The same woman who she used to crack jokes with and eat lunch with all the time. The only difference: it was two years later and things certainly weren't the same as before.

"Hi, I called earlier to confirm a lunch date with my friend? The name is under Edwards."

Rikki's head shot up at the sound of Jamie's voice, a pair of sunglasses perched on the top of her head as she waited at the hostess podium. The man looking through the appointment book slowly nodded his head. "Yes, she's already here. Right this way, m'aam."

Rikki tried to hide her stare as Jamie slowly came closer, her face blank and expressionless for some reason.

"Right here." The young man's feminine tone instructed, as he dropped a menu on the table for Jamie.

"Thank you." She nodded, taking the glasses off her head as she threw her purse on the empty side of the booth.

"Have a nice day." He began walking away.

"You too," Jamie responded, before sliding into the leather seat and acknowledging Rikki. "Hey, hey."

"Hey, what's up?" Rikki replied, placing her own menu down on the table as she knew she couldn't be bothered to see what she wanted to order now.

Jamie shrugged her shoulders. "Nothing, just had parent teacher conferences with Lucas's teacher."

"Oh wow, how did that go?" Rikki questioned, raising her left eyebrow.

Jamie shook her head. "You know Lucas. And speaking of him, I had a talk with him and he surely will not be disrespecting you again."

"It's fine. I thought about it and he was right. I kind of deserved it all."

Jamie shook her head again, clearly not listening to what Rikki had to say. "That doesn't excuse the fact that Lucas is 16 and a child. He can express himself but that surely wasn't the way to go about it."

Rikki slowly nodded her head in understanding, before sipping her water. The tension was thick and the silence was uncomfortable until Jamie decided to speak again.

"So, I have something for Arika. Can you give it to her for me, please?" Jamie spoke, beginning to dig through her large purse.

"Why? You'll see her-" Rikki began speaking, her breath hitching in her throat as she realized the DNA test was supposed to come tomorrow morning. And if Arika was proven to not have been Luis's, Jamie wouldn't be around anymore. Rikki cleared her throat. "Um, sure. I'll give it to her."

Jamie handed her the small 'Doc McStuffin's' toy. "Thanks. I saw it in the store and immediately thought of her."

"She'll love it, no doubt." Rikki cheesed, observing the toy.

"I'm glad. I love that little girl, no matter what." Jamie smiled, before the waiter finally came over and took their meal orders and Jamie's request for a drink.

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