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After consoling Jamie a bit more, Rikki finally managed to convince the woman that what had happened wasn't her fault at all. Along with that, she made sure to tell her to sit down with Luis and talk to him about it. About him cheating, and about the whole another child situation. And that it was best for what little they had left of their marriage. They finished eating quickly in a silence, not as awkward as before now that things were understood and on the table. Soon, the bill was paid for their lunch and the two ladies made their way outside. Rikki heading over to the bus stop and Jamie over to her parked car in the lot.

"Thank you, Rikki." Jamie wiped away the last of her tears, quickly accepting the hug Rikki pulled her into as they stood in the rather empty parking lot of the diner.

"No problem." Rikki smiled, rocking her as if they were never on rough terms.

Jamie pulled away, a small grin on her lips. "I'm sorry about how I've treated you. We all make mistakes, and I think it's time to forgive and move on."

"My mistake was pretty big," Rikki chuckled. "But yes. Let's do that."

Jamie nodded, unlocking her car door. "Well, I have to go pick Lucas up from his father's. And maybe Luis and I can have that talk."

"That's a great idea. Bye Jamie." Rikki waved, before watching the woman drive off.

She slowly zippered up her jacket, speed walking her way to the bus stop. Luckily, the bus had pulled up as soon as she made her way there, so she just showed her bus pass and hopped on with no problems. She sat down in a seat alone, blowing a deep breath as she shook her head side to side. Taking in what had just happened. She never thought her and Jamie would be on civil terms and now things were starting to feel a little back to normal. Which she was rather thankful for.

She sighed, pulling her phone out as she was planned to scroll through social media apps. But instead, a notification that Jamie was texting her caught her attention, asking if she could pick up Arika tonight from daycare since she wanted to spend one last time with her. She texted back with a yes, running a tired hand though her hair as she remembered that she would be getting the DNA results in the morning. That was enough to change her mood as she now knew that she needed a drink.

She made a stop at the local bar, ordering a few drinks as she sulked in her sadness. Just sad about everything. The way she did Jamie, the fact that she slept with two men at the same time, the fact that she didn't even know who her child's father was. All of it was too much. She was on her third glass of liquor, when she decided to pull out her phone again and begin scrolling through her Facebook, seeing a post from no other than Lauren Brooks.

She rolled her eyes, forgetting that she even accepted the woman's friend request. The post she had up, was a photo of her and Stephen, looking as if they were Apple picking or something, embraced in each other's arms with a caption that read: 'With my favorite boy. :)'

Rikki stared at the picture for longer than needed, noticing how the post was put up earlier and that they were probably already back in town by now. And for a reason she wasn't even sure of herself, she wanted to know if they were still busy being a couple and doing couple things. So she called Stephen without thinking.

"Hello?" His voice picked up, as Rikki panicked.

What was she calling for again? She couldn't even figure it out.

"Stephen, hi." She breathed out, biting her lip as she tried not to sound tipsy.

"Hey Rikki. What's up?"

"Uh, nothing muchhhh. Are you busy? Am I holding you upppp?" She tried to hold on the conversation while slurring her words, figuring out something to say. While also trying to find out if he was still with his fiancée.

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