It Was All Supposed To Be A Game

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PSA. Look at how cute little fetus Chris is! Okay PSA done now.

Third person POV

They were twenty year olds, scattered all over the country of the United States of America. Three different groups of friends. Some would call them emo, others goth, or punk, but they loved each other and were there when the others needed them most.

And somehow, on the night of August 13, 2019, they were all driving around, in their little friend groups, messing around, playing games with one another.

At least one person in each car was trying to tickle another, one was telling the resident DJ (aka the shotgun seat) that they should play a certain artist, one was yelling at the others that they were being children, and the drivers were just trying to get everyone to quiet down.

At ten twenty p.m., in each car, the radio started to play NPR. With no one having turned it to that channel. And then, suddenly, there was another car headed straight for them. Each driver reacted differently. One drove them off the road into a tree, one froze and they were in a head on collision with the car that was headed for them, and the third drove them off of a bridge. Each maneuver by the drivers totaled the cars, and everyone in the cars were hospitalized. What happened while they were hospitalized? Well that is what this story is here to tell you.

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