We all lived?

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The Emergency room is quieter than I thought. It's almost Three AM so I guess it makes sense, but I thought it would be busier. We were on the road at maybe eleven o'clock at the latest so that might be why I expected loudness. But I still don't like how quiet it is.

I can see Ricky and Jaime in beds to my right, the I call nurses taking our vitals, trying to determine which kind of doctors we might need depending on our injuries from the wreck.

Ricky had a cut on his forehead, and Jaime had a few on her arms that I didn't see until we got taken out of the car. When the window broke and Ryan was thrown from the car, shards of debris flew into my side, I'm lucky it didn't hit above my shoulder, or I would be in about the same shape as Devin and Ryan right now.

They were put into the first ambulance to leave. Why we were able to get out of the paramedics wasn't good. Because of how they were thrown from the car, it's likely dust they both suffered head injuries that could require surgery, not to mention the possible internal injuries to the abdomen and chest.

Chris was better off than that. We are hoping for a slight concussion and maybe some internal bleeding in the chest, but that should be minor as well.

Vinny is who I'm most worried about. After they sent him with Chris they didn't want to tell me what the possibilities were for him. They just said we'd have to "wait and see". My mind is spinning to the worst case. With how his seat belt was digging into him, I have to assume a broken rib or two, definite internal bleeding, a concussion from how his neck snapped forward in the crash. I just want an update already.

They did say that Chris steering is into the tree instead of letting the other car hit us was probably what saved us all worse injuries. So we should be glad for that. But it still almost killed four of us. If it actually kills them, I don't know what I will do.

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