How Did This Happen To Us?

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Megan's point of view

Pain. Stickiness. More pain.

That's all I can feel. I start to try opening my eyes, but it feel like those glued shut.

I can faintly hear sirens. They're getting louder, like the thing they're attached to is coming closer.

I smell blood. So much blood, the coppery scent is filling my nostrils so that it's hard to not think about it.

I finally get my eyes to open, but once I register what it is I'm seeing, I wish that they'd stayed shut.

I'm laying partially across my boyfriend, Vinny, the seat belt digging deep into his chest, as he slumps forward.

Our friend Chris, who was driving has his head partially through the windshield, lucky he's still in the car.

Ryan was sitting next to me on the other side, he's not anymore and I don't know if I wanna see what happened to him if he was thrown from the car.

Ricky was sitting behind me and Vinny with Jaime, I hear one of them groan, I can't tell who.

And just like Ryan, Ghost is no longer in his seat, but there's a large hole in the windshield glass where he was sitting. I'm scared for him.

The sirens are much louder now. They're closer. I think they may be coming for us. Dear Satan I hope they are.

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