I don't know

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My ears finally stopped ringing. I didn't even know they were ringing until it stopped. Everything hurt, my lungs, my arms, my head, everything. The pressure in my lungs got heavier and heavier. I couldn't take it anymore. I felt my lungs contract hard, pushing everything in them out, up my throat. And that's when I opened my eyes.

It's dark, the only thing giving me any light is the lights on the emergency vehicles as I empty everything in my lungs and stomach and my eyes water. It burns like water mixed with bile. My clothes are soaked and it's so cold that I'm shaking like a leaf.

Through the tears I can see Sage's hair spread behind her head as the rest of her body disappears on the gurney into the ambulance. Alex is about five feet away, wrapped in a shock blanket. It seems like he's taking to the police, trying to tell them it was an accident? We all saw the other car. We just don't know where it went when we went in the water. I don't know where Nicole and Austin are. I hope that they were just taken to get medical attention.

A paramedic drapes a shock blanket over my shoulders after I'm done emptying the contents of my stomach on the pavement next to us. She asks me how I'm doing. To be honest? I don't know how to answer her. We almost died. We shouldn't have been on the road and then we almost died. I can't tell her that though. I don't want her pity. So I tell her I'm okay, and that I don't know how long I was unconscious so I might need a some form of brain damage check once we get to a hospital but I'm okay.

I can only hope the same goes for everyone else.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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