Weighing the options

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The last thing I remember was Roy teaching over to brace me into the seat. His arm pushing me back as the force of the other car hitting ours tried to propel me foreword. I heard Jason yell, I saw Damien grab Grace in the rear view mirror, and I felt Hope grab my seat right behind my shoulder.

Now, I see, hear, and feel nothing. Except for this light. It's far away-ish. If I had to guess maybe twenty to thirty feet away but, I don't know if I should go towards it. I don't want to leave Roy, let alone the others, but I want to see what's on the other side.

As I start to move towards it, just to se if I can, I feel something grab my hand, and someone whispers in my ear, "Please, please, wake up."

My hand is let go. And then it feels like my chest is on fire.

My eyes reopen to a room of white fluorescent lights, and medical staff standing over me. But I can't help my eyes closing again.

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