We Were Just Fine

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Okay just PSA about how adorable my little SandPitTurtle is. He's so cute why can't my Aunt move back to Cali with him!  :'( okay PSA over.

Sara's point of view

It's dark. So dark. I can't feel anything. I don't know what's going on.

I remember that Alex was trying to drive us somewhere I didn't want to go. Nicole convinced me to get in the car. I wanted to stay home. Watch Grey's Anatomy and cuddle with my stuffed anime bunny Mr. Fluffagofagus and NOT leave the house. I can't believe this is happening.

Saige and Austin were arguing over Death Note versus Black Butler and Alex was so frustrated with them that he was threatening to turn the car around, even though I can't remember where we were even going.

Nicole was fiddling with the radio, trying to find some rap station she had heard once. I was trying to ignore them.

But all of a sudden we were headed straight for some bright lights. I think it was a large truck. I remember gasping and then pain. Darkness.

We were fine. How did all of this happen. We were all fine. My friends were fine. Now...... I don't know. I dont even know if I'm okay.

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