Part 3

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Jun was looking at yoongi confused why would he want to live with him they barely even know each other this is their only second time they met each other but then again I had sex with a stranger and he wanted him to live with him that's crazy.

Yoongi saw the confusion in Jun's face which he thought was incredibly adorable he wasn't much of a soft guy to people never mind scratch that he wasn't a soft guy to anyone at all not even Jennie. But something in his heart made him feel this way something he never really felt before again not even with JENNIE All he wanted was JUN and only jun.

Yoongi chuckled "I know this is our second time meeting but I find you very interesting so interesting that i even considered you to live with me I don't want to force you but I will give you two days to consider my offer... here my address I know I gave it to you before but here just in case if you lost it."

With that Yoongi leaned towards Jun's face and gave him a peck... ok maybe more then a peck but it was so soft, gentle, and sweet that you couldn't even feel their lips touch. It was so addicting that they both didn't want to let go they just wanted to stay kissing in that same spot. Yoongi slowly moved away from the kiss to Jun's neck leaving gentle soft kisses. Jun couldn't help but moan a little from the pleasure and from the gentleness that made him feel like a porcelain doll like if yoongi made one wrong move jun would easily break. Yoongi smiled against Jun's neck that made him feel all happy for some reason but unfortunately he moved away from jun and got up from the couch and headed straight towards the door but without leaving a small but sweet kiss on jun's lips and whispering a sweet but raspy whisper " I'll be waiting for your answer" and with that he finally left leaving jun a blushing mess.

Jun was head spaced still blushing thinking about what yoongi just did but that ruined the moment when he remembered the words he said " I want you to live with me" and "I'll be waiting for your answer" those words kept repeating in his head. One side of his head kept saying you wanted to live with him but on the other side it said not to. Jun wanted to live with him he wanted not just the relationship to escalate but have something more but he did just meet him twice.

Jun didn't know what to do there was just so much in his head that he cant take it in it was driving his crazy. But now all he could only think about was the lower pain he had in his abdomen " wow he really fucked the shit out if me" jun said with a smile on his face as he remembered what happened an hour ago. He looked at the time to see it was almost 12 his shift was about to end he left the room and returned the keys back to the back of the bar he noticed that their wasn't much people in the building he couldn't blame them the party only really started at 1-6am that's when the party really started.

Jun went to the back room to collect his stuff from his locker once he did he went to the bar to let the bartender know he was leaving the bartender nodded and with that jun left to the streets walking at night to his house.

As jun was walking he looked at the night sky with the shiny lights coming from the stores that made the night look even prettier. He suddenly remembered he and his parents would walk through the night counting the stars as they would walk to their house. One time my mom told me " in order to live a good life you have to make your own life great if you look up at the stars and count one as you go each star is telling you something meaningful each star is like a guardian that would protect you so count and follow each star to lead the way" as you remember what ur mom said to you you couldn't help but notice tears coming down your face I wanted a life I wanted a future but in the end I couldn't even get one "i am lost, I am lost in this big city."

You couldn't help but think about yoongi the words he said " I want you to live with me" I didn't want to but I couldn't help think If I should I don't know what I should do I have two days but I don't know if that would be enough to think about it.

Time skip home
You put your sweater in a hanger and put it in your closet and hung up your shoes you turned on the the tv and put spongebob on. You were watching spongebob for 10 min until you decided to go and take a shower you waited until the water was warm you took off your clothes to only see hickeys all over your body there was some on you neck chest stomach back and even some on your butt that made you blush. You couldn't help but smile at the thought yoongi really did this it made your heart race rapidly. You got in the shower and let the warm water hit your body.

You thought that if you lived with yoongi would he change my future for the better or for the worse. Maybe if I stayed with him I would be safe and my life would finally change At least I hope so.

You put a long sleeve over sized shirt and some shorts you turned off the tv and went to bed you snuggled into a soft fuzzy grey blanket and slowly fell asleep

Time skip morning
You woke up at 2pm in the afternoon you went to the living room and turned on the tv. You then went to the kitchen to find something to eat you didn't really have anything in the fridge so you found yourself an apple and went to the living room an ate it. You looked at the date to see it was Saturday "I don't have work today so I guess I could go to the store and get candy and go home." I went to change my clothes I wore grey sweat pants and a white t-shirt then I grabbed my sweater and my keys and headed towards the store. As I was walking in the store i grabbed a lot of packs of candy because i am a fat ass. I got out the store to check the time It was 4pm my eyes widened it was " I have been there for that long??!!" "Wow" i was walking home when I see people with families and some people on dates I was starting to feel depressed "what happen it my life?" "I should've stayed home I don't want to be in the way of people's love affair" I started having a panic attack I couldn't breathe I didn't know where to go the only place I could think of was...YOONGI I took slow steps at first then speeded my walk until I was finally running.

I slowed down when I was in front of yoongi's house I knocked on the door to only be opened by a guard.
Guard: excuse me who are you and what are you doing here?
Jun: h-hello my name is jun lee I-
Guard: ohh jun lee I'm guessing you are here to see Mr. Min Yoongi am i right?
Jun: y-yes
Guard: one moment he will be right here
Jun: o-ok

I waited outside because apparently he can't even let me go in how rude of him it's cold out side I didn't think it was going to be this cold . I kept making a fuss until I heard a low deep voice behind me.


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