Part 6

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Yoongi pov
I can't wait to go home and be with my baby its 4:35 only 2 more hours then I can see my baby I can't wait for tomorrow we are going to spend the whole day together I can't wait to kiss his beautiful face ahh

*knocks* come in I said "sir he is here" one of the guards say "send him in" you get up and walk over to the to greet the guy with a wide gummy smile. "Hello nice to see you again brother" you hug the guy and lead him towards a seat. You sit next to him To be honest bro i missed you I didn't have no one to yell at or punch around like you. "Ha same bro!" They both laughed.

Ha now let's get to the point jiyong shall we "we shall" he said smiling as you can see I left America for some stuff and I took a break for a little I then built my own company over there. Its kinda like a secret company for mafias I got some people over there now so if you need weapons or some stuff just tell me and I could give it to you" he said smiling yea sure I'll just call you

"So now straight to the point I heard you are in a relationship he name is jun am I right?" He said smirking ha yea he is special to me I hope that we can become closer then we already are.
"Wow I never seen you like this you are always so mean but when you talk about him you have this special spark in your eyes" he said smiling " but what about... Jennie?"

"Jennie what I never loved her I just dated her cuz of her dad and plus she cheated on me I'm glad she did so I could get away from her crazy ass" I said shocked " and where is this jimin on your bed" he said laughing " no you dumbass he's at home" he said annoyed

Time skip
Jun's pov
I woke up 30 min later feeling bored I couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to go outside and get some ice cream

Time skip after getting ice cream
I was walking home I grabbed my phone to noticed I still have yoongi's clothes on you put your phone back in your pocket and started thinking why did he do this to you? Is Jennie really his girlfriend? But she doesn't live there so why is she there?

I just want to punch him in the face multiple time and yell at him but at the same time. I want to go and hug and cry on him telling him why would he do this? But what if Jennie is telling the truth they are probably dating.

You were thinking so much that a car ran you over as you were walking across the street when it was a green light for cars to go. Wait I don't want to die yet I have to find out if it is true i need to go to Yoongi. That's when you passed out bleeding

Time skip
You woke up in a dark room the bed was uncomfortable you tried turning when you noticed that both you arms and legs where tired onto the bed. You tried pulling the ropes off but nothing worked you looked to your side to see a guy on another bed beside you he looked badly injured it looked like he was dead but he was actually alive. "Umm si-" " don't talk to me or you and me will both get in trouble if you haven't noticed nobody gets out of here I have been here for years and nothing.

"What is this place" I said " I call it prison but it's more like a mental hospital or something like that" he said emotionless " but I didn't do anything" I said  " shh there coming"  he said shaking. A few people come in I noticed one of them... Jennie  I looked at her shocked. " nice to see you again jun are you ok? Are u hurt?" She said smirking  " what are you doing here?" I said as anger was building up

" what do you mean i was just being polite and say hi and making sure you are doing ok how rude of you." She said sarcastically "why did you put me in here" I said as I tried to act calm " wow so easy to accuse so rude it could've  been anyone" she said acting offended " I'm not dumb why did you put me in here?" I said annoyed " calm down jun I was just playing of course I did I mean like who wouldnt you slept with my boyfriend that was rude of you to do that" she said smirking " I didnt know you were dating him" I said raising my voice a little

"Yea yea ok sure stop acting like the victim here we all know it's me. He was in love with me but but unfortunately he left me for u a slut that's a stripper" she said getting mad she came towards me and wrapped her hands around my neck and started choking me so hard that I couldn't even breathe.

" you will pay for what you did . I will make your life a fuckin miserable that you would regret getting involved with me and yoongi" she said loosing her grip then leaving leaving me there breathless.

Time skip
Yoongi pov
"I should get going it's getting late and I'm pretty sure you would want to go with your jimin" jiyong said laughing " ha yea I'm about to leave anyways" I said smiling. My smile quickly dropped when one the guards brought a phone handing it to me he looked nervous. I took the phone to hear rose voice scared " master Yoongi  j-jun left... a-and j-Jennie came." She said stuttering. "WHAT!!?? JENNIE WAS THERE?!!" I said yelling

" she isn't here no more she just came in and started telling jun you two are in a relationship and started saying mean things to him then he ran out somewhere." She said calmly "ok thank you call me if jun comes home" he said calmly I hung up the phone. " is everything ok" jiyong said concerned  "no.. jimin ran away and Jennie came to my house." He said annoyed

"Don't worry everything is going to be ok." Jiyong said smiling  I inhaled deeply and called someone "hey come to this place now" I said with rage I need to get my baby back quick

Time skip 30 min later
"Boss you needed us" bts said " yea I need you to track down jennie and bring her to me and track down jun" I said in a demanding tone " but how do we track him down we have no contact with him on anything" one of them said concerned. " don't worry jun has a gps in his ass" I said emotionless " ok sir we will come with the results in 5 mins" they said leaving.

"Do you need help?" Jiyong said concerned " no it's ok sorry about this" I said calmly " it's ok I'll call you later" jiyong said smiling " yea I'll let you know what happen after this" I said emotionless " yea tell me I be waiting" he said leaving. If Jennie did anything to jun I am going to kill her.

Time skip
Jun pov
They are punching extremely hard that blood is coming out I tried defending myself but it didn't work. " you like that don't you i fucking hate you you fucking bitch" she kept punching me nonstop she punched me in the face multiple times I just let it be I couldn't move my body I don't have the strength to.

My whole body was covered in bruises it just so bad that I couldn't move. " you stole my Yoongi you bitch do you love him" she yelled I stayed quiet "TELL ME YOU BITCH!!" She screamed at me "ha you fuckin dumbass I do fuckin love him u cunt" I said smiling "h-ha y-you love him!! Y-you can't l-love him!! I'm going to fucking kill you!!!" She yelled as she took a knife a stabbed me in my stomach.

I froze my face was Snow White I looked down of my stomach an seen blood leaking out. I looked at jennie she was smiling satisfied that I was dying. My eyes went wide tears were coming out as my body was full of blood. My vision was becoming a blur . " ha you dumb bitch now you can't get in the way between me and yoongi love I hope u live a nice life in hell you faggot." She said laughing but that didn't last long when *bang*

Jennie fell on the floor covered in blood I looked over to the person when I seen... Yoongi
" no one is going to hurt my baby" he said with rage my eyes fully closed as I fully lost couscous

Yoongi grabbed jun and took him to his car an drove him quickly  to the hospital. "You boys can do what you want with her" Yoongi said to the boys " yes sir" the boys says taking the body.

To be continued

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