Part 5

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Jennie:can you move aside your blocking my way

I moved to let her in she walk in and sat on the couch I stared at her shocked her words kept spinning in my head "I'm yoongi's girlfriend" I then closed the door and stared at her. "as you know now I am yoongi's girlfriend I can see that you guys are living together but thats all going to stops now" she said with a smirk but a little anger in her voice that made me get goosebumps.

"What?" I said still shocked. She looked me in the eye as she says these words "Yoongi. Is. Not. Gay. He is straight he is dating m-" she was cut off by rose when she asked me who was at the door rose looked at Jennie shocked. "Ms. J-Jennie w-what are u doing here? Your not supposed to me here." Rose said shocked but her face showed fear. "Because i can this is my house I live here what are u talking about? You shouldn't disrespect me like that" Jennie said with a rage of anger.

I stood there shocked and confused she wasn't supposed to be here this is her house SHES YOONGI'S GIRLFRIEND this was all so confusing I don't know what to do. It's started  to get harder to breathe why can't I breathe? They all kept talking until rose noticed me breathing heavily. "Omg jun are u ok?" "what's wrong?" "I'm going to call a doc-"

"STOP IT STOP IT I CANT BREATHE I-I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!!!." I screamed as I ran out the mansion tears rolling down my cheeks. Rose was yelling your name but i kept running. All i think about was why did Yoongi betray me I thought I could trust him I guess not. Why do I do everything wrong?why does everyone leave me it's better if  I just die no one would care they would just be happier. I was sobbing when all of a sudden rain started coming down

"why do I have to live this life?!!!!" I yell to the top of my lungs everyone was staring at me but i didn't care. I walk to the only person I can talk to.

"Hey mom how are u?" I said to my mothers grave " I hope u had a great day" I said crying "I'm sorry if ur sleeping I just wanted to talk to someone before I go home today" if u are sleeping I hope u are at least paying attention to what I say" I smile a little as tears slowly come down my cheeks. " remember when you told me this when I was little and u said " in order to live a good life you have to make your life great" well mom I tried to get a good life but that didn't work as I hoped it would as you can see I'm a stripper an I'm gay I'm living a great life right?

Do you remember you said this to
"if you look up at the stars and count one as you go each star is telling you something meaningful each star is like a guardian that would protect you so count and follow each star to lead the way" all these years I been counting and following but still no guardian there's no one telling what to do "mom I just want you to understand that I can't take the pressure anymore" I said crying loudly.

I just came home from school "mom I am home" I said closing the door. I turn around to see my family wrapped in ropes and tape against there mouths as a guy dressed in black with a black mask points a gun to my head.

My parents scream through the tap and move around trying to get to me. I just stay still trying to progress what was happening. I started crying silently as I see my parents crying trying to get towards me. The guy that was holding the gun smirked through his mask and pulled my hand to the gun and made me point it to my parents "n-no what are u doing" I said scared

"your parents here own me money they didn't give it to me so I just wanted to pay them a little visit but you came so im going to have some fun so how bout you kill your parents or I Kill you? What would it be? My parents were screaming saying kill them that they want me to live my life but I didn't want to I shook my head as my hands were shaking as the man had his hands on mine wrapped around the gun

"CHOOSE OR I CHOOSE FOR YOU!!!" He yelled "n-NO!!" I yelled back as I was facing my parents "5SECONDS" he started counting "1" no "2" no "3" n-no "4" No I fell on my knees "5" he smirked "NO!!!" He grabbed the gun and shot both of my parents "NOOOO!" I scream the guy left as I ran to my parents "Mom dad please say something I grabbed both of there hands

"I never thought that I would die like this" my dad said as tears were coming down his face " j-jun my wife I love you dearly you guys are my world j-jun I love you p-please live your life that's all I ever wanted" he said holding my hand tightly.

" your father is right ha he stole the words right out of my mouth jun I love you I'm glad to have a son like you my little angel remember the stars are angels watching over you we r going to be next watching over you" she said smiling weakly

"ha god wants us to fast" my mom said smiling weakly as she breathes heavily "jun I love you" my parents say at the same time there grips on my hands weaken slowly then slowly their hands fall on there lifeless body. "why aren't you saying anything" "ha this isn't funny wake up" I said tears coming down " p-please d-don't l-leave m-m-me"

End of flashback
Present time
"Ha after that a couple days later the guy that killed you and dad came on the news saying that he died so there was no point in telling the police so I just had to watch them bury you" ..... "I should've chose....I should've killed my self instead of killing you guys after all what was I living for I have no one a guy named yoongi who i thought I could trust had a girlfriend even though he asked me to live with him and after we had sex mom h-he took my v-virginity i-i loved him I-i t-thought i-i could t-trust him" i said crying " i wish you were here I wish you could tell me what should I do" "I miss you mom thx for listening if you were I'm going to go home love you" I smile and walk home

Time skip home
I got home and looked at the time it was 4:30pm I got a blanket and snuggled against it as I was laying on the couch I put spongebob on as I fall asleep

"Yoongi" i say before I fall asleep crying

To be continued

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