Chapter Eight Midnight

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(Sorry I write my next parts on paper then write them down and I lost all the other parts sooo yeah and couldn't post and busy but I can post now and Izuku has a handprint on his face.)

Midnight= Nemuri Kayama

3rd POV
   Izuku sat at the table and Hizashi sat down as well then Aizawa placed down a plate in front of Izuku, Hizashi and where he is sitting and also placed a plate in front of a empty seat this was weird for Izuku because the scientist normally sticked a needle in him and that needle made him not hungry for a week. "Izuku someone else will be joining us." Aizawa said, he noticed that Izuku was staring at the empty seat. Then there was a knock on the door, Hizashi got up from his seat and went up to the door and she was the pro hero Midnight she was not in her hero costume no one was they were in there normal clothes, then Midnight turned to Izuku. "OMG HE'S SOOOOO CUTE!!! AIZAWA YOU DIDNT TELL ME HES AN ANGEL!!!" Midnight said, her eyes had hearts she then literally stomped towards Izuku.

Izuku POV
   Izuku saw her stomping towards him, he then remember one scientist who was a female that looked a little similar to Midnight that was obsessed with Izuku and would always give him creepy looks, he didn't know what was happening he just started to hold up his hand, all he has to do is use his quirk that can summon knifes and make them head towards her, next thing he sees is that instantly shes covered in a scarf? Or bandages? Izuku looks up and sees it was Aizawa who did that to her he lowered his hand. Aizawa's hair floated up. 'That was so close I almost killed her..'

Aizawa POV
  Aizawa never saw so much fear in anyone's eyes before but as soon as he saw Izuku raise his hand and started to glow a little red it was a bad sign and he turned his quirk on and wrapped her in his scarf. "Nemuri you shouldn't run up to Izuku like that you scared him and he almost attacked you." Aizawa said. Then Nemuri calmed down and she hugged Izuku and gave him a kiss on the cheek. After they all talked and ate Nemuri stood up and said " Izuku we need to go shopping to get you school supplies your going to school right?!" She smiled. Then Izuku spoke up.

"What's school??" He said.

(Izuku eating is the best ❤)

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(Izuku eating is the best ❤)

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