Chapter Nine Bakugou

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Sorry it been so long. 🐺
(After a few years passed and explaining of what school is later.)

Izuku POV
Izuku was standing in front of a "school" that was meant for little kids, It was called Pre-school, which Izuku didn't understand why it was called that. Hizashi and Aizawa was right next to him.

"Are you ready to go to school?" Aizawa said to him, "I guess." Izuku responded having no emotion on his voice.

They entered the school building then went into a office of some kind and they walked up to the women and Hizashi asked "Hello Im Hizashi Yamada, and we are here to see what classroom Izuku is in!" The lady looked up and her face brighten up.

"Hello are you present Mic?!" The women said. "Yes I am! Now can you tell me whe-" Hizashi said but he was cut off. "Can I have a picture or a autograph?!" The women said and kept asking more and more questions to Hizashi.

"Excuse Me." said a loud and cold voice.

The lady and Hizashi turned there heads and very angry looking Aizawa. "We are trying to find Izuku's classroom, we are not here to sign autographs or take pictures,so if you please tell us where Izuku's classroom that is great." Aizawa said mad and coldly.

"Ah, yes of course!" The women said as she typed on the computer, "Well he is in classroom 102." She said. "Thank you." Aizawa said, they left the office and were off to find classroom 102. When the reached the classroom they knocked on the door.

A kind looking lady and a man opened the door. "Hello you must be Izuku's parents." said the lady, Hizashi and Aizawa nodded.

"Well it's very nice to meet both of you we are Izukus teachers, I'm Mr.A and she is Mrs.A" said the man.

Hizashi and Aizawa shook hands with the teachers and small talk, "Well Izuku lets head inside shall we?" Mrs.A said.

Izuku nodded, Hizashi and Aizawa said goodbye to Izuku, and waited for him to enter before they left, but before the door closed Izuku said this..

"Bye Dad's"

Then the door closed.

When Izuku went into the classroom everyone went quiet, Izuku felt uncomfortable but then again when was he ever comfortable, the teachers took Izuku in front of the classroom.

"Students! We have a new student joining us today so be kind and Izuku you can go ahead and introduce yourself a if you'll like!" Mrs.A said

Izuku didn't want to talk but he felt pressured, "He-" Izuku began but before he even got a full God damn word out of his mouth, the students started to throw questions at him.

"Why do you have a tattoo!?"
"Why are their holes in your neck?"
"What's that on your face!?"
"What's up with your face and hair?!"
"Do you think your cool!?Huh!?"

They threw many more questions at him and Izuku was afraid and nervous and it's not helping that even though the teachers are trying to quiet down the kids they don't listen until..


Everyone looked towards someone in the back and when they saw who shout that everyone looked terrified and everyone just went quiet.

"Bakugo that's no way to talk to your classmates." Mr.A said

"Well these idiots won't shut up, it's annoying." someone said

Izuku finally turned and looked at the boy, he had really ruby red eyes and spiky blond hair, he had a navy blue shirt with tan/light brown shorts.

Izuku didn't know why but he felt.....happy...? And he may make a friend.

(I apologise for the wait, I truly am also please tell me if you want a Kpop book for me to write I love Kpop especially my bias BTS jimin.) -🏳️‍🌈

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