Good Day

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3rd POV
All the kids ran out to recess, tho Izuku walked he didn't know what to do. He tried to remember what his papas told him about school, so he guess it's play time?

     Izuku looks around, what should he play?

   Suddenly there's a scream of his name,
"OI NEW BOY!", he hears.

     Izuku hated yelling, he couldn't help but flinch, he has a bad habit of flinching. He turns his head to be greeted with the boy with blond spiked hair, red eyes, his name was Bakugo, he thinks.

    The boy stops in front of him, "Wanna go play on the swings?! We can be hero's!" Bakugo says. Izuku didn't want to play, he wanted to go sit down, but he didn't know why but he just nodded, maybe he didn't want to be rude?

     Bakugo smiled at him. He grabs his hand...




    Izuku was freaking out, he hated being touched by those he doesn't know, he flinched his back away from him.

    Tho he's four, he's not as energetic he also has ptsd and anxiety even if he's four.

    Bakugou looked at him confused, "Are you okay?" He asked, sounded more gentle then he has hear him.

    Izuku nodded. " I have.. a really bad.. problem with touch... I'm scared of it.." Izuku said.

    Bakugou smiled softly, "Hey! You don't have to be afraid of me! I'll protect you from anything, I'm going to be a hero and you can be my partner!" Bakugou beamed at Izuku.

    Although Izuku had hard time with trusting, he didn't know why, but he relaxed and nodded.

   "I'm going to grab your hand now, okay?"
Bakugou asked.

   Izuku smiled and nodded, bakugou grabbed his hand and they went to play hero's by the swings.


After the day Bakugou and Izuku got to know each other. They became close, but at last the time to be picked up has come.

Aizawa was going to pick up Izuku today, He told him while on the way to preschool.

Bakugou and Izuku waited together, they wanted to be picked up together, Izuku felt more comfortable with bakugou, so they waited together.

Luckily, Bakugous mom and Aizawa came to pick them up at the same time, they saw the two together.

Aizawa was surprised at how comfortable and dependable Izuku was towards the blond, they got close in a day, yet it tooked them a long time to get close.

It's probably because Izuku is comfortable with someone his age and also because he was getting used to people that weren't going to hurt him.

"Dad, This is bakugou and he's my friend now, and he wants to meet you and he wants you to meet his mum." Izuku said softly.

Aizawa turns his head towards the blonds, as they turn their heads at them.

Aizawa talked to Bakugous mom, he found her name was Mitsuki, while the two boys talked about hero's, they can to a conclusion that they should have play dates, mostly at the women's house, because he has work as a hero, not yet tho, he didn't trust them fully, and the little blond was quite loud.

The blond women seemed comfortable that he was gay, and didn't complain of Izuku having two dads, he was quite grateful.

Plus, everyone who meet Izuku got protective and seems to love him.

They parted ways as the boys waved bye to each other. They go towards where Aizawas car was parked. He unlocked it and they got inside making sure to put their seatbelts on.

"Izuku I have work tomorrow, and no one can take care of you, so your coming with me to U.A. , okay?" Aizawa said turning around to look at Izuku.

"Why can't I go to Bakugou's house?" Izuku said, he seemed to want to hang out with him more.

"We just meet them today, I can't fully trust them yet, plus you get to meet the hero's there" Aizawa said smiling, as Izuku smiled and nodded fast.

"Okay let's head home now, and prepare lunch for your papa to come home." Aizawa said.


As they got home, Izuku ran to his room and found a light green big sweater and some brown short, also some undergarments. He then goes to the bathroom to take a shower.

Aizawa get to work to make some spaghetti while Izuku showers, Izuku was just four and he already knows how to go to the restroom by himself and shower, he guessed back then they taught him.

He was at least grateful to have Izuku as smart as he is, he quickly gets to work, after 20 or 25 so minutes, Izuku gets out wearing his clothes and his slippers , he helps Aizawa finish cooking.

Right after they finished Hizashi came home, he ran up to Izuku "Hey Listener!!! I got some chocolate for you on the way back!" Hizashi said.

He was handing Izuku the chocolate, then it was snatched, Izuku and Hizashi both look up at Aizawa holding the chocolate.

"You won't have chocolate right now, first we eat and then you can eat it." Aizawa says softly at Izuku and turns to Hizashi.

"We've talked about this you can't keep getting him sweets they can rot his teeth!" Aizawa yelled, "I know you've been giving him more sweets behind my back." Aizawa glared.

"Ah... you found out..." Hizashi said, as he gulped, "I'll stop.... but let eat then you can have the chocolate Izuku!" Hizashi said picking Izuku up.

Izuku had no problem with the touch of those close to him, he felt comfortable as he was picked up, and then sat on a seat with a plate of spaghetti on it.

His dads sat down as well, and they started to eat while they ate Hizashi said about his day and stories of random times.

Izuku smiled, which was rare, He finally has what he wants. A family, A home, Love, A Friend, and that's all he needs.

"Oh, Forgot to mention I'm taking Izuku to U.A. tomorrow." Aizawa said, calmly.



God, so many things have been happening, I hope this chapter makes up for the things that are happening right now, sorry I've been dealing with things, also I've never thought I would get this book to be popular, But I'm back baby!!! Also, I've joined a fandom of MCYTErs and I will probably make books about that I have insane ideas for that, any suggestions?

( Also, I've decided that the next chapter will be about the hero's and then time skip:) )

Hope you enjoyed!!! ✨💜

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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