Chapter 1

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It was a quiet night in the small town of Ericson, a light breeze blowing the humid air and of course, the restless kids making trouble. It was the end of summer and all the kids were enjoying their last night of summer break, well, almost all the kids. Clementine was holed up in her room as always, her foster father Carver downstairs drunk off his ass as always. 

She didn't really have any friends, she occasionally talked to James but that was it. Everyone stayed away from her in fear of making her mad. She had a lot of pent up anger that she couldn't find a way to release, she wishes she could but she didn't have a way. Besides, if she did something Carver didn't like he'd yell and scream at her, occasionally hit her. 'It's not worth getting hurt over.' she tells herself.

She was currently sitting on her window sill, feeling the light breeze hit her skin through the screen of the open window. She did this often, sit there, thinking about anything and everything. It's all she could do to keep herself occupied, it's not like she could go and spray paint the old building anymore. 

She stopped doing that after Carver caught her climbing in through the window one night, hands covered in spray paint. 

"Clementine?!" Carver called from downstairs.

Clementine jumped at the sudden noise and sighed. She lazily climbed off the window sill and trudged downstairs. "Yes?" She asked once she entered the living room where Carver was.

"Do you have all you're school supplies ready for tomorrow?" He slurred out.

Clementine nodded her head yes. "Yeah, I have everything." She mumbled quietly.

"Good. Before you go to bed I need you to do the dishes and clean the kitchen." He told her as he shakily stood up and walked, more like stumbled, into the kitchen to grab another beer.

Clementine once again sighed. "It's already 10:00 though, that will take at least an hour to finish them." She told him.

He frowned and shook his head. "No, it won't." He slurred out as he stumbled back over to eh couch.

"Yes, it will. Basically, every dish in the whole fucking house is in there." She swung her arm behind her to point in the general direction of the kitchen as she glared daggers at Carver.

"Don't use that kind of language with me!" He yelled at her. She seemed to shrink a little and faintly nodded.

"Sorry, I'm just tired." She mumbled in apology. 

Carver laughed at that. "Tired from what exactly?" He smugly slurred out.

"Hmm, let me think, oh yeah, taking care of your drunk ass, going to work every damn day to pay for our food and our bills!" She fumed.

Carver stared at her blankly for a second and then he shook his head. "No, you don't do that I do." He argued as he flipped through the channels on their crappy tv.

Clementine huffed in anger, taking a deep breath to calm herself. If she lashed out it'd only make things worse. "Alright, fine, whatever you want to believe. I'll go do the dishes and then I'm going to bed. Is there anything else you need princesses?" SHe asked with venom dripping from her voice. 

Carver, however, didn't seem to notice the name as he was too focused on his show. "No, go do the dishes and then go to bed." 

Clementine sighed and trudged into the kitchen. This was going to be a long night.


About an hour later Clementine emerged from the kitchen and went to make her way up the steps, but not before Carver called out to her from where he lay on the ratty couch. "Goodnight!" He practically yelled.

Clementine cringed at the loudness of his tone and nodded. "Night." She tiredly muttered back and trudged back up the stairs to get ready to go to sleep.

A/N: That's it for this chapter, sorry it's so short I really wanted to get this out to I decided I'd just make a short chapter, I hope you enjoyed and I hope you enjoy this book as much as I already am.

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